Alternate Row Style in Datagridview


What is the best way to set alternate row style of Datagridview control in WiseJ window form, in Visual studio desktop application this can be done quite easily by changing the property but I can’t find the same property in Wisej for Datagridview?

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Hi Shahbaz,

this can be done either in the Theme or by a Theme Mixin or by Code.
Depending on what you want to do. If you just want to change the colors,
you can add this to your code prior to the creation of the DataGridView:

Application.Theme.Colors["table-row-background-even"] = Color.White;
Application.Theme.Colors["table-row-background-odd"] = Color.Yellow;

Best regards

  • Daniel Naeh
    Does anyone know how this alternate color could be implemented in a ListView ? Thanks
  • Daniel Naeh
    the answer to my question is ListView mixin file
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Thanks Frank, I think code option will work best for me.

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