Any advice to start coding a one click friendly crop/resize/zoom/move/upload image control/extrension, maybe through any advice of JavaScript plugin.
User could select an image on picturebox click, then crop/resize/zoom/move in a preview, and finally upload to server.
Thanks in advance!
Something like
jquery cropper
jquery rcrop
Probably related to the VB.NET compiler handling resources.
See here:
Hope that helps.
Best regards
I’m try to convert it to extension, but I’m doing something wrong.
I have uncomment <Assembly: WisejResources>
I add the resources, I have verify with reflector and the file .js and .css are embedded
but for example the GetResourceString don’t read the resource
I’m doing something wrong.
can you help?
The attached sample shows how to use Wisej.Web.Widget and events back from the client. It’s very simple. You can extend it and turn it into a class. Look at similar extensions in /extensions.
I have created a widget and import the js, but I don’t understant how create the inizializzation script
I’m interessed me too, for a small tutorial how import darkroom javascript
thank you
That would be an awesome extension.
This one seems to be simple.
There are many.
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