After adding a listbox to my form, my combo boxes no longer work (does not give me the arrow to drop it down) and the theme of the entire form appears to not load. As soon as I delete the Listbox from my form – the form works as normal again -Any ideas ?
I am using the latest build as of 10/11/2016.
The issue is the outdated Material-3 theme file. The extra themes are not updated with the beta installer and when changed need to be redownloaded from We have been adding/changing properties in the themes during this beta phase, hopefully it will be a more rare occurrence going forward.
I tried your sample with the latest Material-3 and it works fine. The error in chrome is a missing property that the theme was trying to set.
Good point. I will see if on the new site we can display the Last Updated date for each download.
Makes sense – I cant tell on the themes page any date of when files are updates – maybe you can add that so that everyone knows.
I was just thinking that a week ago when I went to see if any new themes have been added or updated – but the page looks the same with no “Updated on” anywhere on any of the themes.
Material-3 theme.
Application is attached. Run it – it works fine. Drop a listbox control in the right hand panel “tools” for example, and run again – see results. There is an error in the Chrome console as well as you will see.
Its not a full application, I was prototyping something for a customer and noticed this issue
I can’t reproduce. What theme are you using? Can you also see if chrome shows a javascript error with F12?
Another test would be to open dev tools (again F12) and hit refresh in the browser to ensure that the js libraries are refreshed.
Let me know.