We have a site that has a number of web applications in it, each a different folder that has been “converted to app” in the IIS interface.
The main site creates a cookie named hsdCP_User, when the user navigates from the main site (ex: apps.mysite.com) to the apps.mysite.com/tickets <which is a WiseJ app>, I get the error in the title.
If I remove the cookie, wiseJ works fine.
Is it possible to run my wiseJ in as an app within a main site that uses cookies?
Thank you for your help, it pointed me in the right direction.
I had a cookie that had a small amount of XML in it. This made it dangerous I guess. I took that value out and all is good.
Hi Shawn,
Wisej only adds 1 cookie with the session id using a guid string. This error seems to be related to the main site configuration and probably other cookies. See: https://forums.asp.net/t/1930540.aspx?A+potentially+dangerous+Request+Cookies+value+was+detected+from+the+client
Wisej can also work without cookies, see the cookieless sessing in the config section.
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