I’ve seen how a http ashx handler can receive continuous data from remote clients, however I’d like to explore a polling method, where the web app polls each client in turn for data.
Can anyone provide any pointers?
Clients will be .net desktop apps.
How do you go about making the web app aware of each client in the first place?
I’m guessing there needs to be some kind of initial pairing, rather like Bluetooth. Once paired, the web app “knows” the client(s) & can communicate as desired.
What type of property do you use as the identification?
Ideally the web app should remember the list of clients so connecting in the future will be quicker/easier.
Thank you
The clients will have to register themselves. A simple http request (ashx handler would do). They can send their name or anything else as an argument. The server can keep track of the clients by name or id and should also save their IPs (use Application.UserHostAddress to read the IP of the client that is registering).
Then the server can send requests back to the IP address of the clients.
If the client is rebooted or if the client uses a dynamic IP that may change, the the client should simply periodically refresh its IP again through a simple http request.
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