Thoughts - Implimenting Google Street Search to populate fields in WiseJ.Web.Form


Hi All

In normal website, implementing a Street Search on a page is fairly trivial and then populating some fields with the places data afterwards is the same. I was wondering the best way to implement similar within WiseJ, but to put the places data into WiseJ.Web.TextBoxes.

Sample HTML/Javascript is below (Note: Google API Key removed for Security):

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.onload = function () {
            var officeLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(-30.4806266, 23.5050908); // Centre ZA
            var defaultBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
                new google.maps.LatLng(-35, 15), //bottom left corner
                new google.maps.LatLng(-21, 34)  //top right corner
            var options = {
                componentRestrictions: { country: 'za' },
                location: officeLocation,
                bounds: defaultBounds,
                strictBounds: true
            var streetSearch = document.getElementById('GoogleStreetSearch');
            var streetNo = document.getElementById('StreetNo');
            var streetName = document.getElementById('StreetName');
            var suburb = document.getElementById('Suburb');
            var town = document.getElementById('Town');
            var postcode = document.getElementById('PostCode');
            var GoogleStreetSearchAutocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(streetSearch, options);
            google.maps.event.addListener(GoogleStreetSearchAutocomplete, 'place_changed', function () {
                var place = this.getPlace();
                if (!place.geometry) { return; } // if user didn't select a place/street
                streetNo.value = '';
                streetName.value = '';
                suburb.value = '';
                town.value = '';
                postcode.value = '';
                for (var p = 0; p < place.address_components.length; p++) {
                    var item = place.address_components[p];
                    switch (item.types[0]) {
                        case 'street_number':
                            streetNo.value = item.short_name;
                        case 'route':
                            streetName.value = item.long_name.toUpperCase();
                        case 'sublocality_level_1':
                            suburb.value = item.long_name.toUpperCase();
                        case 'locality':
                            if (suburb.value == '') {
                                suburb.value = item.long_name.toUpperCase();
                            town.value = item.long_name.toUpperCase();
                        case 'postal_code':
                            postcode.value = item.short_name;
        <label>Search for Address</label>
            <input id="GoogleStreetSearch" name="GoogleStreetSearch" type="text" style="width: 100%; max-width: 100%;" />
        <label>Street No</label>
            <input id="StreetNo" name="StreetNo" />
        <label>Street Name</label>
            <input id="StreetName" name="StreetName" />
            <input id="Suburb" name="Suburb" />
            <input id="Town" name="Town" />
        <label>Post Code</label>
            <input id="PostCode" name="PostCode" />
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Best Answer

Hi Kevin,

There is a GitHub examples repository and also the GitHub extensions repository.

If I understand your question correctly you want to do what’s in the GoogleMaps example that was updated recently with the following description

Use GoogleMaps reverse Geolocation: get Coords from address and vv..

Type a incomplete address and get it’s coordinates. Then get it’s full postal address. That’s the sample. But you can use reverse geocoding the way you prefer. A GeocoderResult object is returned every time and it carries all the information, even lots of information the sample doesn’t show (yet).

Reverse Geocoding is a brand new functionality of the GoogleMaps extension. To use it, please use the DLL in the example above or build from source, using the source code at Wisej.Web.Ext.GoogleMaps.

  • Tiago (ITG)
    Now it shows the full Geocode tree
  • Kevin Caine
    Thanks Tiago, this works and is the correct answer to the question. I did however go with the method mentioned by Thomas below, since this ultimately wasn’t only for the Google API. I also had no need for the full map (in fact didn’t want it due to the multiple API calls and chewing up my API limits). In my case the reasoning is that we lock the address fields from the users because of typo’s.
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Great Answer

In your Javascript code, in the place_changed event, call a WiseJ web method in and pass in the fields or object. Then you can populate the textboxes in C# or VB.





Public Function ReceivePlace(ByVal obj)
‘Passed in from PAC javascript, place a marker on the map.
Dim dblLat As Double = CDbl(
Dim dblLng As Double = CDbl(obj.lng)

See also

  • Andrew Niese
    In the above example I passed in a location object, but you can also pass in the decoded streetNo, streetName, etc.
  • Luca (ITG)
    Good solutions. It also has the advantage of turning a dozen or so of javascript code with hardcoded IDs into a single line.
  • Kevin Caine
    Hi Andrew & Luca – Thanks for this. Since I have other custom scripts generated from 3rd parties, this seemed like the most practical solution in my case (The Google Maps/Street search is only one of a few). I have tried by placing either a IFrame panel , an HtmlPanel, and even an AspNetPanel, but in each case I get Javascript Reference error: App is not defined. If I check App in the console, I can see it is defined, but the panel can’t seem to see it… Have I missed a step?
  • Kevin Caine
    Nevermind – me forgetting that it is a child.. had to call parent.App *facepalm*
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