We’ve spent about 3 months porting from Visual WebGUI over to WiseJ. It actually would have been a lot quicker but we took extra time to refresh the look and feel. I thought you guys might like to check it out.
This video is for our existing customers showing them some of the new benefits and changes.
https://vimeo.com/226213194/11cd79bd4f (https://vimeo.com/226213194/11cd79bd4f)
This video is a longer product demonstration
https://vimeo.com/225280108/5a87354dc3 (https://vimeo.com/225280108/5a87354dc3)
We used Microsoft’s Azure portal as inspiration for the look and feel
I have managed to implement a Bindable Multi Column Combo Box using a DataGridView as the drop down, as there were various features that I needed that go beyond a standard MCCB.
Along the way I have discovered a couple of issues which are being looked at by Wise J that are not show stoppers.
My main reason for commenting though is how much simpler and robust the implementation is than when achieving the same thing using VWG!
The Date Picker control which can be bound on Nullable Value has avoided the need to create my own control which I had to do on VWG.
So I am very impressed so far and am looking forward to using Wise J in anger!
I wanted to show a new video we made for the latest version showing some enhancements we’ve made to our console.
We’ve wrapped some additional controls like vis.js and microsoft’s speech api.
If you are talking about the left hand side it is just a FlowLayoutPanel set to TopDown. Then each menu item is just a usercontrol with a picturebox and a label with some text and we set different appearance keys if it is selected or not. When we add the usercontrol we set the width of the usercontrol to the same as the Flowlayout panel.
hi, can you tell me please with what technology(component,library) you have created the navigation panel?
Thanks I’m glad you guys created Wisej.
I could look at setting up a trial account with 1 pc in it if anyone is interested in see how the UI works in action.
Congratulations, it’s quite an app! It will be a fantastic case study.
Language: c#
VS version: VS2015/VS2017
report control: Stimulsoft
orm: LinqToSql and little bit of datasets/datareader against Azure SQL
mvvm/mvc: Not using them at all however I want to start looking at one
Additional UI libraries: Nothing else at the moment
Hosting: Azure on VM’s
We started with the Material theme and then customized it with some of our our colors and fonts and icons from flaticon.com
Really nice!
Which theme have you used?
Keep up the good work.
Very nice. If it is possible, can you share info about technologies and components used ?
(e.g.: Wisej of course , c#/vb.net, VS version, report control, orm, mvvm/mvc, additional UI libraries, etc… ?)
thanks for videos and info,
What a wonderful product and video! We are working with Wisej too and it is an amazing tool.