So Hybrid projects use an embedded web browser. They’re not meant to be run with safari, chrome, edge, etc. In this case, you’ll need 2 projects- a regular Wisej project to run in the browser and a Hybrid project to run on mobile. You will want to put your code in a class library then reference the dll from both the regular Wisej and the Wisej Hybrid app.
So what we are wanting to do is have a WiseJ application that runs on a server – but have the mobile app clients connect to that server. We do no need stand alone mobile applications – they must connect to the online system(server) for everything. Given that – does Hybrid still fit that need ? We don’t want to have to maintain 2 Wise J projects.
You can use the Wisej.NET Hybrid Remote Project and that will allow you to deploy it to your remote web server. The Wisej.NET Hybrid Client project can load that endpoint and allow devices to access it through an iOS, Android, or Windows executable.
I’m not clear on the documentation for this. Does this mean we have to create separate WiseJ project for the mobile devices or will they use the pages defined in the one project ?
So you can have a solution with multiple projects in it. You would create a solution with a Hybrid Remote project, that has the pages. Then you would add a Wisej Hybrid Client project to the solution that references all the pages from the Hybrid Remote project, so you don’t have to create the pages twice.. Side note: the Hybrid Remote project is just a regular Wisej project with the NuGet package for interacting with the Hybrid Client.
The documentation states “Depending on the Hybrid mode selected, the server layer may be located either on the device using EmbedIO as an embedded web server or deployed as a remote ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core web application to Azure or AWS.” Does this mean that we cannot run the server side on our own web server ?