A suggestion for those just starting out with WiseJ.NET...



I just joined this community after quickly and easily putting up my first web-page with WiseJ.Net.

I can’t believe how easy this software makes designing web applications.

It appears that my long wait for a return to ASP.NET WebForms is finally over.

After working on a huge ASP.NET MVC project years ago, my conclusion from this experience was why would anyone in their right minds use such an archaic form of web development, especially when under the constraints of deadlines?

Since no one was interested in any view point other than that which promoted MVC web development and its subsequent evolution into Blazor, I kept to myself while sometimes writing articles on the matter.

It appears that the people at WiseJ.NET had the same points of view and the result is a very easy-to-use refinement of the original ASP.NET WebForms model, which in reality and with the exception of a few issues was in fact the perfect paradigm for developing complex, database intensive web applications, with which I have done a lot of development with.

After installing the WiseJ.NET extensions and creating a test application (desktop\web) I noticed that the project contains a component called Window1.vb\designer.vb.

When trying to see how the new Toolbox controls and the designer worked, I was surprised to find that this component, though a window component, would not fire up the attached WideJ.NET designer and nor would any Toolbox controls appear for WiseJ.NET.

Initially I thought I had done something wrong but it appears that this project-created window component, for whatever reason is not supported by the WiseJ.NET designer.

To get around this, simply add a new blank, window component to the project and open up the designer module and you will see all of the WiseJ.NET design tools made available to you.

Before launching the application, go into the Program.vb file and change the following code…

Public Sub Main()

Application.Desktop = New MyDesktop()

Dim window As New Window()  <– change this component to the window component you just created in the project / in this case, I just called it “Window”

End Sub

And now you are set to start a brand new journey towards the original and best way to create web applications…

Steve Naidamast / Sr. Software Engineer












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Actually I have been a software developer for the past 30 years, in the 90s I used Foxpro, then vb and vb.net, everything was great with vb.net and winform, fast application design and easy to understand language, I don’t know why then everything switched to webform, I was quite confused because the user interface design of webform was quite complicated but anyway I tried to handle it. Everything was bad since VMC was launched and then blazor, react… agula… made me helpless and almost gave up thinking about writing web-based applications.
Luckily, this year I was introduced to wisej by a friend, everything was great, it only took me 3 months to convert all winform applications to web. For the first time I was eager to have the feeling of web programming like winform, very friendly and fast UI design, drag and drop style of controls brought a great experience.
Hopefully in the next version, wisej will invest more in features for Datagrid such as grouping columns, grouping rows … and filtering data directly in the grid.
Wish you more and more development.

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Hi Steve and Frank

I want to echo what Steve has said. I have found it remarkable how software development has gone backwards over the years. All we needed was VB6 to be web enabled (and from what I can see Wisej 3 has largely achieved this).  Instead we have had 20 years of increasing complexity and little gain in productivity. Webforms was a good first attempt but for some reason was never improved enough to achieve this and finally dropped all together. I wish all success to Wisej I’m happy to have finally found a development environment that offers everything I need.

“Complexity is he enemy of good software”

Regards Mark
.NET Solution Architect

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Hi Steve,

thanks for your kind words about Wisej.NET.
What you described is IMHO actually a shortcoming or flaw in Visual Studio where it sometimes does not properly indicate
if a window is designable or not. Sometimes it is enough to just change a single character in your code and change it back
and you will see the icon of your component change and the designer becoming available with right click and the context menu or just by double clicking on it.

Typically this happens when you start working on a newly opened project and will get much better when you keep working on it.

I’m glad you figured out another way to get around it and wish you much fun on your Wisej.NET from here.

Best regards

  • Steve Naidamast
    Frank… I think your development group is exactly what the Microsoft web development community needs. With growing reports of burn-out, job-resignations, and growing frustrations with all the constant churning of web frameworks and tools, the MS web development community is facing serious issues, which could have been all prevented had Microsoft simply refined their original .NET Frameworks instead of coming up with all this .NET Core nonsense. The idea that the original frameworks could not be refined, made more efficient, and compiled to run under multiple operating systems is a load of bunk. The frameworks are written in C++, which is highly portable. And Microsoft has the talent to convert the necessary Windows API calls to the required API calls under the different operating systems. So their excuses are wholly disingenuous. Of course given the trajectory of US society today, one cannot rule out the idea that the earlier moves to ASP.NET MVC, Blazor, and .NET Core were not designed to wreak havoc in the US software industry. If one follows what Bill Gates has been up to since he left Microsoft, there is good reason to consider such insidiousness. Its not like such developments have made development with .NET any easier for anyone… As a result, it is teams like WiseJ.NET that hopefully will be successful enough to bring back sanity to the web development environments… Steve Naidamast Sr. Software Engineer
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