Port already occupied


It seems, that something else is using port 5000 on my PC. When I change the port to 5001 or seomething else I get an 500.19 error, that says, that it can not access the configuration file for the site. Tried to solve it by googling around, but no success.

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thanks. But when I try that I get an error page telling “The requested page cannot be accessed because the associated configuration data for the page is invalid.” Google says, that some configuration XML files have errors, but Notepad++’s XML sysntax checker finds nothing neither in Web.config not in applicationhost.config. Any ideas?

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Hi Didi,

You’ll have to modify the port Profile port in launchSettings.json to a new port, say 5005!

That should work out of the box with .NET 6.

To use .NET 4.8 and IIS Express, you’ll have to change the settings in your .csproj file.

Look for the line “<RunArguments>/path:”$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)” /port:5000</RunArguments>” and change the port to whatever you want!



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