Dear Frank,
Thank you for your quick reply.
But when I open the WiseJ example that is referenced above in Visual Studio 2015 Enteprise Version, it indicates that this dll is missing. This implies that while making the example above, that dll was used and referenced. If I had an option of sending you an image in the comment I would have done so but its not possible.
Actually, this example cannot even work because two (2) libraries (Wisej.Web.Ext.DataGridViewSummaryRow and WiseJ.Framework) are not included in the example Project. Please, can you check it.
Thank you
Thank you Frank. I’ve pulled again but its the same. It does not work. Actually, I’ve pulled four (4) times but nothing works! That example was made with Net Framework 4.7 with Wisej.Web.Ext.DataGridViewSummaryRow and WiseJ.Framework. The folder that I pull contains all the example and its named “wisej-examples-vb-3.0” I’ve also tried to pull an older version of 2.2 but I found out that it also misses the same libraries!
Thank you
Thank you Frank. I’ve once again pulled the examples but it seems it will not help me since it targets .Net core yet my project still uses Net Framework 4.6. The example cannot work for me but thank you for your tmely support. If you can provide us with the Library to support developers who still use .Net Frameworks, it would be better.
Thank you Frank. I’ve seen the example but it doesn’t open in Visual Studion 2015 Enterprise Edition though I have .Net Framework 4.8 and Windows SDK installed on my Machine. I will have to calculate the summaries for the required columns manually and add the row to the DatagridView.
Thank you for your support.