From my understanding after reading the documentation – I have a question before I start a project and want to make sure I am going in the correct direction.
If I want to make a project that will eventually include mobile device support -as in installable mobile apps from the app store (Phone, Tablet) but will also include just a web browser interface – is it better off just starting out with the Hybrid project ?
Yes, you can run the server on your own server.
For an example program, watch this video:
The video shows it running natively in Windows, but you can run it in an android emulator, or on your phone. You just need to check the box to target android when you create the project. Same with iOS.
Note that the template names and default project names have changed since that video was recorded.
Template Names
old -> new
Wisej.NET 3 Hybrid Web Page Application -> Wisej.NET Hybrid Remote Application
Wisej.NET 3 Hybrid Client Application -> Wisej.NET Hybrid Client Application
Project names
old -> new
HybridApp1 -> HybridClient1
WisejHybridWebApplication1 -> WisejHybridRemoteApplication1
Another thing to consider as you build your application is Responsive Design. You’ll need the application to look good on a small phone screen as well as on a big browser screen.
Here’s the Wisej documentation on how Wisej deals with Responsive Design:
You might also consider using the FlexLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel.
Yes, you should use the Hybrid project in that case.
A regular Wisej project would be able to run in a phone browser, but not as a phone app.
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