WiseJ 1.3.37: ChartJS shows strange results


In my app the ChartJS component shows strange results.

I download and check your own demo.

Look at the bar chart … this is empty.

The line chart looks also strange.




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Hi Kay,

I think I caused that 🙂

I updated the extension to include the ability to set scales plus some other new options. I wasn’t expecting it to be pushed into the release straight away and I had not even thought of updating the demo. Since my changes the scale on charts always defaults to linear which is not the same as the previous behaviour. I’m still improving the extension but meantime attached is an updated demo with the scales correctly set for the line and bar charts.



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Thank you Nic. Looks like the problem is that now that the ChartJS extension supports scale types the default is Linear for both X and Y while before it was Category for X. It may be better to default the X scale to Category and Y to Linear. What do you think? See attached override.


  • Nic Adams
    Luca, that sounds fine to me. I have not played with all the combinations of chart/scale etc. so I’m sure there is more to find. I’ll add you scale override to my current version. Hopefully I’ll be able to submit a fixed version soon.
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The new demo works perfect for me!


As far as I had understood the following lines must be implemented to run the old code with a valid chart result:



Other options like RadialLinear giving me an error, so I guess this is in development.

  • Nic Adams
    Yeah sorry Kay – its all me. Luca is helping me sort some of these issues out and build a new extension with some additional options that I need for my project. Hopefully the changes he has suggested will make the default behaviour the same as it used to be. Sorry for any inconvenience. You are also right that RadialLinear is producing an error. I’m trying to figure that one out :(
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I’ve added the default for the x-axis type as you suggested plus tidied up some other issues I found. I had to update to the latest chartjs (2.5.0) in order to resolve an issue with the time scale when empty.  I also added the additional pointstyle that this release now supports. I also updated the demo to show the new pointstyle and the axis labels.



  • Nic Adams
    Luca, I also noticed something strange with my changes. The y-axis labels I added show up in the designer and are OK in my project but in the demo they are not shown when I run the app. Is it possibly something to do with the flow panel?
  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Mar 1, 2017 - 10:54 pm
    It’s because there is a discrepancy between the Display value and the DefaultValue attribute. By tomorrow we’ll upload a new update which will also contain the updated ChartJS with your additions fully integrated. Also now all the extensions that require external resources ( jquery, chartjs, fullcalendar, …) have the resources as embedded files and don’t require an internet connection anymore, except the extensions that cannot work without a connection: maps, polymer.
  • Nic Adams
    Thanks Luca for explaining – I’m annoyed with myself that I missed it but at least the mystery is solved.
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