I have put the metatag
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1″>
in my default.html header but I am having trouble getting it to work. I have an iPod5 / Safari that I am testing with.
Should I be using “Pages” or “Forms” when I am using a mobile device?
We will likely have iPods, iPads and normal displays using WiseJ applications. I would like to get my apps to work with WiseJ and the viewport but so far haven’t had much luck. I have looked in this support site and seen a number of articles about ClientProfiles and the viewport but no real examples that I can go off of. They articles have some info in them, but I haven’t had much luck with getting that info to work yet….
The viewport meta tag is used by the browser, not by Wisej. Some browsers may implement it differently. For example, apple decided not to honor disabling the zoom feature.
The client profiles configuration in wisej is simply a set of properties that identify a profile that you can call with different names: “Large Monitor”, “Old Screen”, or “Samsung”, … Whenever a client profile is matched you get the Application.ResponsiveProfileChanged event and adapt the controls accordingly.
I’ll attach a sample that logs the client profiles later today.
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