I’m presently evaluating WiseJ for my upcoming needs in developing a Kestrel-based web application for distribution.
I practice TDD exclusively; I’m quite fond of the tightly-modularized code that results.
I’m noticing something with WiseJ’s approach to application architecture that seems a throwback to the heyday of WinForms/WebForms designs. Unfortunately, the paradigm presents an impedance factor, some resistance, to TDD implementation.
I’m referring to the event handler approach:
Imports System Public Class Window1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Label1.Text = "Button clicked." End Sub End Class
This code is not unit-testable. Also, it can easily lead to “code sprawl,” where lines and lines of important logic end up in the handler. Monolithic, inflexible and difficult-to-maintain code tends to be the result.
I’ve gone into this in a little more detail in the comments on this CodeProject article:
I want to be wrong. I want to be able to consider using WiseJ for my projects.
I’d like to invite further discussion and insight into this apparent conundrum. If others have settled on workable resolutions I’m very interested in knowing about it.
Jeff Bowman
Fairbanks, Alaska
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