When a panel in SplitContainer contains a control with Dock=Fill (tested Panel, DataGridView, MonthCalendar, FullCalendar) and setting the Panel1Collapsed or Panel2Collapsed to True, controls will not show up if it is set back to False.
Both at design and runtime. This seems similar to the issue https://wisej.com/support/question/splitcontainer-panel-collapsed-property.
Build 1.3.40
Hi Cris,
It’s a new one and the old one crept back in.
The first problem presents itself both at runtime and design time. Split panels without the header when collapsed are set to not-visible and when this is done at design time, the panels start as invisible and since Wisej doesn’t send controls that are never been visible now a panel is missing.
The second is a regression caused by another fix. One of those “short sheet” thing.
WJ-8107, WJ-8105
Hi Luca,
Fixed in 1.3.42.
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