[SOLVED] Offline Activation

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Is there any way to get VS2015 or Web server gets activated offline as Server may be behind firewalls and allow internal access only. Then how to activate in such model.



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Best Answer

Hi Mohammad,

yes it’s possible.

Jusr use a develop machine that is connected to the internet and create a server license file on it.

Then you can deploy that file to your server.

Best regards



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One more question. Actually I tested my server license on development machine, with real Ip, now its activated and generated wisej-server.lic. Now, I cannot run this license on my Web Server. Seems it checking restricting due to change of machine. How release license from one machine and activate on another machine. Sometime development machine or server machine crash and hardware to be replaced. Pls also advise how to activate license on new machines.


  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Nov 17, 2016 - 2:55 pm
    What do you mean that you “cannot run this license on my web server”? What error do you get?
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Hello Muhammad,

My apologies for not answering your second request.

Yes when running on http://localhost the license is not activated assuming it’s a debug environment.

To change the license simply change the license key in Web.config, Wisej will regenerate the wisej-server.lic file and activate the new license.



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Ok, I found that wisej-server.lic ,  is generated when application is open on real ip… For Local ip, its not generating this file. Now my next question is that how to change the license from trial to actual on Web Server. As once license is activate, web server is no giving any option to change license or remove license…


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Can you please advise how to generate wisej-server.lic as I cannot find it the way to generate, neither i found its automatically generated, even I setup new site on IIS server on developer machine.

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