NullReferenceException when opening the designer



I’m using Wisej 3.5.15 in Visual Studio 2022 on a new dev machine and now I encountered this issue: Always when opening a Window in the designer, I get a NullReference Exception dialog box. Closing the message box and editing the Window works fine, but I wonder where this comes from? Happens with an existing Wisej application but also with a new, freshly created Wisej Project, no matter if C# or VB.NET.

Not a big issue as obviously the designer works afterwards, but a bit annoying 😉


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Hi Robert,

we might have fixed a related issue in our upcoming 3.5.16 release that is currently in QA.
Can you please try this test build and see if it fixes it on your end?

Best regards

  • Robert Langer
    Hi Frank, just tried it; except for the fact that the licensing dialog for the developer version shows up (currently using the Community edition), the dialog is opened without message (but of course closed as soon as the licensing dialog is closed). Seems the new relaease fixes the issue, which is great! Thanks, Robert
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Hi Frank,

thanks for the swift reply!

Attached a screnshot; nothing special, just doubleclick on Window1.cs -> Message “NullRef Exception” -> OK shows the designer.

I’m using Wisej.NET community edition currently; VC Info below (german version).

Thanks, Robert


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022
Version 17.12.3
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.8.09032

Installierte Version: Community

ASP.NET and Web Tools
ASP.NET and Web Tools

Azure App Service-Tools v3.0.0
Azure App Service-Tools v3.0.0

Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools
Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools

C#-Tools 4.12.0-3.24572.7+dfa7fc6bdea31a858a402168384192b633c811fa
C#-Komponenten, die in der IDE verwendet werden. Abhängig von Ihrem Projekttyp und den zugehörigen Einstellungen kann eine andere Version des Compilers verwendet werden.

Common Azure Tools 1.10
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Microsoft JVM Debugger 1.0
Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

NuGet-Paket-Manager 6.12.2
NuGet-Paket-Manager in Visual Studio. Weitere Informationen zu NuGet finden Sie unter

Razor (ASP.NET Core)
Stellt Sprachdienste für ASP.NET Core Razor bereit.

SQL Server Data Tools
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

TypeScript-Tools 17.0.30918.2001
TypeScript-Tools für Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Basic-Tools 4.12.0-3.24572.7+dfa7fc6bdea31a858a402168384192b633c811fa
Visual Basic-Komponenten, die in der IDE verwendet werden. Abhängig von Ihrem Projekttyp und den zugehörigen Einstellungen kann eine andere Version des Compilers verwendet werden.

Visual F# Tools 17.12.0-beta.24501.1+19610c0b654766eec49d044cb97ca6eaa2a63d16
Microsoft Visual F# Tools

Visual Studio IntelliCode 2.2
KI-gestützte Entwicklung für Visual Studio.



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Hi Robert,

can you please attach a screenshot of the error message. Please also tell us, what Visual Studio 2022 version you are using.
Are you using Wise.NET community or a professional/enterprise version?

Thanks in advance,

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