We will add answers to this post when the downloads (themes, examples, and extensions) are updated. In the future, the final web site will have a News section listing all the updated.
A common issue for all Single Page Application (SPA) frameworks is the lack of URLs that can define a specific state: i.e. http://localhost/myapp?customer_id=34 should be able to tell the application to load and show the customer with id 35. Since SPAs have only one URL, they cannot handle dynamic states using the URL.
Wisej includes full support for deep linking using the hash value in the URL, both on the client and the server side (i.e. http://localhost#id=34). The hash string can contain anything, from a complex object in base64 to a simple reference to an internal structure, or just a list of arguments. The application running on the server can change the hash on the client at any time, and handle changes to the has when the user enters the URL or uses the back and forward navigation buttons in the browser.
We are glad to announce that we now have integrated the amazing ChartJS control.
Enjoy and share your feedback with us.
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