Minimized state of Ribbonbar control


we are using the the ribbonbar control from the wisej-3-ribbonbar library. It’s equivalent in Windows offers a collapsed/minimized state reachable from the context menu which then opens a pulldown menu when clicked instead of a tab eating up a lot of space on the form/page. I couldn’t find such a setting in this implementation of the control. Is there one or will this be added sometime?

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Hi Branko

Today was relased WisejNet 3.0.11 and also the fix on RibbonBar extension that resolve the issue that you comment us, thanks

Here let a little sample and a video gif of it



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Hi Branko
We has a enhancement in the RibbonBar extension that has the functionality that You feedback to us.
It use a new property CompactView, that simplify all the stuff.

For now is available con GitHub. You must download the code, compiled it and reference from your project. You must reference the aseembly for Net48 and remove the reference from Nuget for only this extension.
Whit the new release of WisejNET, will be available on Nuget too.

I attach a new sample that use the enhancement.

Thanks for your feedback

  • Branko Mikić
    Nice … that’s it. Our project uses .net 6.0 framework. I’ll report back asap.
  • Branko Mikić
    Ok, we’ve bumped Wisej-3-RibbonBar nuget package to V3.0.10 and it looks good except for two things. The ‘CompactView’ property isn’t visible in the designer. The other thing is when started with CompactView=FALSE all is fine and even when using the ToolClick event to switch it TRUE it works like shown in your example but when using the constructor of the page to set CompactView to TRUE even before the first render is performed (right after InitializeComponents() has run) the area of the control is simply a white plane and doesn’t show any activity when clicking on it.
  • Paul
    • Paul
    • Jun 17, 2022 - 11:00 pm
    Hi The contructor of the page is not the better place to set properties of the wisej widgets The recommended place is in Load() event of the container, page or form. If the problem presist, please send us a small runnable sample that reproduce the issue HTH Paul
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I was wrong in the sample. I used a tab control instead of the ribbonbar extension. My bad
Now I attach the right sample 🙂

Anyways, the ribbonbar must be used in conjunt with a panel for has the functionality that you describe.
And is not necessary use a third party control

With wisej and his extensions is possible to has the same winforms standars UI functionalities.

Here the link to Ribbonbar documentation



  • Branko Mikić
    Ok, that is much closer to the use case we are looking for. One thing is still unfortunate, the tab areas aren’t overlays leaving just a thin menubar like look. So when expanding/collapsing the control the whole GUI below jumps up/down which makes it somehow twitchy but nevertheless that’s a much more acceptable solution than before. Thanks!
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For occulting the tabs you can simply set his property visible to false when you colapse the panel and to true whe expand it

Here an image of the sample code and how it seeing

  • Branko Mikić
    Hi, ok, i see but that’s not the point. In your example the ribbon bar collapses and is completely invisible except that pin! Now imagine for a second … how is the user supposed to click on one of the ‘invisible’ tab buttons? Making a ribbonbar control invsible just to be invisible isn’t that useful. I would expect some kind of menu bar with at least the tab buttons to be clickable. The other issue is that it still consumes all the space which isn’t available to the GUI ‘underneath’ (eg. like in pulldown menus) but just ’empty’ space. The purpose of collapsing a ribbonbar’s tab area is to save space, isn’t it? I guess we need to look for something else although we would prefer to use native WiseJ controls instead of a 3rd party solution as that tends to make things more complex. Anyway, thanks for your kind help.
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sorry but this isn’t a viable solution. The tab buttons are bearly visible when collapsed (and still clickable) and the area below isn’t handled as an overlay but just switched visible (or not) which leaves plenty of space unused when minimized.

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thanks for write us
Wisej ribbonbar hasn’t 100% equivalent respect winforms but you can has the same functionality using a panel and puting a ribbon bar into it .
I attach a sample demo of how to achieve this.



  • Branko Mikić
    Thank you for your support . I will have a look at it.
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