We use Log4Net for all of our logging and we have an issue in WiseJ and I’m thinking it could be to do with threads. When a user logs into our application, we setup a log file for them with their username in the filename. We then use Logging.Info / Error to log to that file. The issue we have is that log messages are going to the wrong files a lot.
We either need to resolve this or change the logging tool we use (would love to hear what other people use). Here’s our Logging class:
public class Logging { private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Logging)); public static void Setup(string userName) { Hierarchy hierarchy = (Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository(); hierarchy.Root.RemoveAllAppenders(); PatternLayout patternLayout = new PatternLayout(); patternLayout.ConversionPattern = "%date{dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff} %-5level - %message%newline"; patternLayout.ActivateOptions(); FileAppender fileAppend = new FileAppender(); fileAppend.AppendToFile = true; fileAppend.File = $"LogFile-{userName}.log"; fileAppend.Layout = patternLayout; fileAppend.ActivateOptions(); hierarchy.Root.AddAppender(fileAppend); ConsoleAppender consAppender = new ConsoleAppender(); consAppender.Layout = patternLayout; consAppender.ActivateOptions(); hierarchy.Root.AddAppender(consAppender); hierarchy.Root.Level = Level.Info; hierarchy.Configured = true; } public static void Info(string infoMessage) { log.Info(infoMessage); } public static void Error(string errorMessage) { log.Error(errorMessage); } public static void Error(string errorMessage, Exception ex) { log.Error(errorMessage, ex); } }