At first glance, this wisej “real time web” concept could be a nice way to provide both a local and remote U.I. for our server software packet – embedding the wisej server into our .exe (a Windows download and install on your own server thing).
But we currently sell this software starting at $80 per license, so unfortunately adding the cost of the wisej server kills this idea completely.
Any thoughts?
This is the one area that concerns me.
We, & I imagine many others, will be writing customer apps. mostly for local / LAN use, which means a new server license for every customer.
If we have to charge the customer then that means we have to provide premium support, whereas we normally offer software for free.
I would prefer a one off (higher) cost & them go royalty free.
I need to make an inquiry to see what kind of offers are available.
Hi Jesper,
we have several options for deployment and offer individual licensing plans. Please get in touch with us directly so that we can discuss your needs and work out an agreement that will fit well. We have set up such agreements in similar scenarios already and do offer embedded licensing as part of our Technology Partner program.
You can reach me at sales[at]
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