In Detail:
WiseJ uses already a WebSocket duplex connection to send data between client and server. Now I want to create another WebSocket connection which communicates with another (console) application.
I tried until now the following. Created a new IHttpHandler “MyWebSocketHandler” and handled the BeginProcessRequest method, as I saw it in WiseJ sources, after this I added an entry in Web.config
<add name=”wisej_print” verb=”*” path=”*.print” type=”TestApp.MyWebSocketHandler, TestApp”/>
Then I thought, when I enter the URL in Browser: http://localhost/TestApp/TestApp.print
I would reach the BeginProcessRequest method in my MyWebSocketHandler class, but this isn’t the case.
It would be wonderful if you can share a sample. That was also my old question and try.
Thank you.
Yes, thats what I want to do. I solved it now this way. Created a new WebSocket connection between my WiseJ Application and the console application. Instead of adding a new extension to web.config I’m using now a ashx file.
It would seem to me – from how i’m understanding it that you want to communicate from the WiseJ application running in the browser to a console application behind the WiseJ webserver to perform some operation.
You would simply create a standard WebSocket connection on the WiseJ server (in the WiseJ Code – a class lets say) that communicates with the Console Application that is visible on the network.
From user interaction in the browser (WiseJ application) standard WideJ code would triger events on the server. In those events (let’s say a button press) just send your WebSocket commands to the console application. This all happens on the IIS server – not from the Browser.
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