Dear Friends, Greetings
I’ve been using DevExpress XtraRichEditControl to display formated documents saved in a Database using the code below;
Dim docData As Byte()
docData = CType(_dbBll.ReadTorreyReference(TopicID), Byte())
Using stream As Stream = New MemoryStream(docData )
End Using
I load this data as Object DataType and convert it to Bytes and I use a stream to display it in an XtraRichEditControl.
How can I achieve the same in WiseJ.Net?
Hi Ngabo,
You’ll have to write your own custom implementation for that!
It’s relatively easy, you can use TinyEditor,CKEditor as a Rich Text Editor, or AceEditor if it’s something like an XML document!
What you can do is simply get the string from your stream:
And set the text to any of those controls!
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