Hi Michael,
The low level errors are not localized automatically. You can plugin your javascript error handlers like this, in Default.html add this:
<script> Wisej.onNetworkError = function (type, error) { alert(type + ": " + error); } </script>
The default error handler now is this:
/** * onNetworkError * * Called when the http or websocket connection fails. * This call can only be assigned, it"s not an event listener. * * Usage: * * Wisej.onNetworkError = function(type, error){ alert(error); }; * * @param error {String} the error type: "connection", "network", "timeout". * @param message {String} the error message. */ Wisej.onNetworkError = Wisej.onNetworkError || function (type, error) { // already showing a message box? if (Wisej.__showingErrorMessage) return; Wisej.__showingErrorMessage = true; var message = error; var buttons = { "close": "Close" }; // TODO: Localize the texts below. switch (type) { case "timeout": message = "The connection timed out. The server may be busy or unreachable. Retry?"; buttons = { "retry": "Retry", "close": "Close" }; break; case "connection": message = "Failed to connect to the server."; buttons = { "close": "Close" }; break; case "network": message = "The network is down. Retry?"; buttons = { "retry": "Retry", "close": "Close" }; break; } Wisej.Platform.showMessage("Network Error", message, "error", buttons, function (button) { Wisej.__showingErrorMessage = false; if (button == "retry") { location.reload(); } }); }
I suggest for the next build, that this field’s can be changed.
Is better idea a free text… we can personalize the App.