i try to make a drag and drop functionality with a fullcalendar control. I use a label that i drop on the calendar control. On the DragDrop event i get the location and it’s correct.
My question is :is it a simple way to get the timeslot corresponding to the location where the item have been dropped? If not is it possible to plan this feature in the newt weeks/month ?
Best regards,
Hi Stephane,
For the ContextMenu you asked, you can always use the EventClick event. If Button = Right, you can create a ContextMenu and show it there. You can have different ContextMenus depending on the event that was clicked. For example:
private void Calendar_EventClick(object sender, EventClickEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); // or put your custom-designed ContextMenu
myMenu.MenuItems[“EDIT”].Enabled = e.Event.Editable;
myMenu.MenuItems[“COPY”].Visible = e.Event.Start < DateTime.Now;
if (e.Event.UserData.IsPending)
here the samples on which i’m working. the dayclic is fine but i would like to use some context menu on the right clic on the calendar or on a specific event.
For the drag and drop i use an external label which symbolize a preformed event : something looking like the https://fullcalendar.io/js/fullcalendar-3.2.0/demos/external-dragging.html
i also find usefull if you can add the scheduler (https://fullcalendar.io/scheduler/) (maybe is it all-ready done but i didn’t find it)
i’m sorry if my post looks like a Christmas wish 🙂
best regards
With the fullcalendar you can drag & drop & extend existing event objects. When the event is dragged (or extended) you get the EventChanged event. You can also click anywhere on the calendar and get the DateTime of the click location in the DayClick event.
We can add the date/time information to some mouse events coming in from the fullcalendar widget. How do you drop the external label? Do you set the Draggable property to true? Or do you use DoDragDrop()?
Can you send a small test case?
in a more general way it seems note possible to get the time slot of mouse event, am i right?
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