Form border hides TollbarButton


Hi, I have a Form with a Toolbar and a ToolbarButton.
If I open the app from the development PC everything can be seen clearly, if I publish the app on IIS and open the site the Form Border almost completely hides the ToolbarButton. How can I solve the problem? Attached are the images.



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I ran your sample and was able to reproduce- looks fine when running from Visual Studio but the top of the toolbar gets cut off when deployed to IIS. We’ll look into this.

  • Julie
    • Julie
    • Oct 31, 2023 - 6:05 pm
    For me, the toolbar it cut off when I initially start the project in IIS, but if I resize the browser window, the toolbar then looks normal. Is this the same behavior that you see?
  • Francesco Leo
    I have the IIS server blocked due to a runtime problem, as soon as I can I’ll do the test you asked me to do. Thank you
  • Francesco Leo
    I had to completely redo the window and, surprise! Now it looks good in both Visual Studio and IIS. I don’t understand why but it’s like this! I’d say the problem resolved itself, but I don’t think we’ll ever know how until it comes back. Thank you very much.
  • Julie
    • Julie
    • Nov 1, 2023 - 1:31 pm
    Does your IIS have websocket enabled? We’re trying to figure out the root cause of this, and that information would be helpful. Thanks!
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The project is too big, i insert a link to the file zip: LINK, I repeat that in the Visual Studio IDE everything is fine, if you publish it on IIS you can see the problem.
Thank you.

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Another thing you can look into- are you using the same theme for the app on the development PC and for the deployment? If you’re using different themes, you might see a difference.

  • Francesco Leo
    How can I use different Themes? I haven’t even looked at what themes are yet, it’s my first day with Wisej. I publish from my PC to the IIS server directly, that’s all I do.
  • Julie
    • Julie
    • Oct 27, 2023 - 6:25 pm
    Wisej comes with several built-in themes, which you can change in a few different ways- you can change via C# code at runtime, or set before the application starts via Web.config or Default.json. (Web.config and Default.json are files that are in your Wisej project already- you can just edit them). Documentation:
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With a Pad height of 35 you can see it, but I don’t think it’s correct behavior.


  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Oct 27, 2023 - 3:38 pm
    It’s probably not docked to top or you didn’t anchor and the location is moved. We cannot reproduce any of the issues you have mentioned. If you can send a small simple test case we can help.
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I don’t understand what you asked me, I already sent the two screenshots, can you be more clear?
Thank you very much


  • Julie
    • Julie
    • Oct 27, 2023 - 3:23 pm
    Sorry for the confusion! Alaa meant that we would like a code sample. We would like you to create a small Wisej project that shows the behavior you are describing and upload it here in a zip file. Your entire app is probably too big to include, but if you could include just the code for the Form that you are having the issue with, that would be very helpful! We want to see if we can replicate the behavior you’re describing, and also to get a look at the code that’s causing it. Then we can determine if it’s an error in your code or if it’s some kind of bug in Wisej itself.
  • Francesco Leo
    The project is only at the beginning, I’m testing Wisej to understand if it’s what I need, I’ll send it to you now but I already said that if you launch it from Visual Studio the problem doesn’t exist, it only shows up after publishing on IIS.
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Hi Francesco,

I think the image is not loading there, would you mind wrapping the sample for us?


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