Feature request on the Ext.ColumnFilter extension



Is it possible to preset filter(s)?


I have a datasource with a few columns which hold specific known values and I wish to filter some of them on first load of the page. My idea would be to simply call a method to set the filters programmatically Like ColumnFilter1.SetFilter(ColumnName, CheckedItems) where CheckedItems is a list of string.

Thanks for considering this!


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Any update if this functionality to preset filter will be added, or can be achieved somehow differently?

  • Julie
    • Julie
    • Feb 27, 2024 - 5:03 pm
    It’s logged as an enhancement request, but it’s not high priority and we don’t currently have the time to implement it. If you would like to implement it yourself, you can find the source code of the ColumnFilter here: https://github.com/iceteagroup/wisej-extensions/tree/3.5/Wisej.Web.Ext.ColumnFilter To implement it, you would need to get the current list and re-apply it. Say someone had picked 3 values in the list- you’d need to persist the information and re-apply it. You’d need to create two filters- a get filter and a set filter- you already mentioned the set filter, but you will need a get filter as well. If you implement this and submit it as a change request, we will be happy to review it and perhaps include it as a part of the extension.
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Hi Vincent,

I have logged this as an enhancement request and we´ll check if we will add it.

Best regards

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