Hi team,
I have another question about the file drag drop
If in DragDrop event fired insert a messagebox, the file saved have lenght=0.
To better explain the issue, i attache a small example.
Here the code in DragDrop event fired.
Private Sub DataGridView1_Signature_DragDrop(sender As Object, e As Wisej.Web.DragEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.DragDrop
Wisej.Web.MessageBox.Show(“Confirm?”, “”, Wisej.Web.MessageBoxButtons.OK, Wisej.Web.MessageBoxIcon.Question)
UpLoadFiles(CType(e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Files), HttpFileCollection))
End Sub
Where UpLoadFiles sub save the stream to file.
For example, if I drag and drop the file ‘Wisej-Readme.pdf’ in the datagridview, inside the subfolder ‘Uploadedfile’ i found the file with lenght=0.
But if I delete the messagebox instrunction, the file is saved correctly.
Any suggestion?
Hi Frank,
I’m using Wisej ver. 2.2.52 and Google Chrome as browser.
Hi Angelo,
I tried to reproduce but here it worked just fine with or without the messsagebox.
What browser and Wisej version are you using?
Best regards
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