Currently evaluating Wisej and tried the DevExtreme datagrid integration.
Do we have to take care of all events (columnchooser, paging etc) or
is this a limitation in the community version?
Thank you, Julie!
Just wanted to make sure that I didn’t miss anything.
The limitation of the community edition is that it does not include access to premium extensions, such as the DevExtreme library. See here for a comparison of community vs professional edition: https://wisej.com/developer-licenses/
You can see a sample Wisej project using the DevExtreme data grid here: https://wisej-demobrowser.azurewebsites.net/DevExtreme/#dxDataGrid
Source code here: https://github.com/iceteagroup/wisej-demobrowser/blob/main/Wisej.DemoBrowser.Premium/Wisej.Web.Ext.DevExtreme.Demo/Component/dxDataGrid.cs
You mentioned paging specifically- Here’s a code snippet from the example project I linked that sets the pageSize to 10. Note that it is set via the “Options” property of the DataGrid.
this.dxDataGrid1.Options = new
paging = new
pageSize = 10
If you look at this example from the DevExtreme documentation, you will note that the structure of the JSON object is the same as the “Options” property in the Wisej sample. You can always use the component vendor documentation as a guide on how to structure the “Options” property. https://js.devexpress.com/jQuery/Documentation/17_2/Guide/Widgets/DataGrid/Paging/
Additionally, here’s an overview of how the premium extensions, such as DevExtreme, are implemented in Wisej: https://docs.wisej.com/extensions/premium-extensions/overview
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