I’m new to wisej & web development in general.
I like what I’ve seen so far using the trial version but I’d like to know more about deployment.
I have some past experience with IIS & recall it used to be a nightmare to configure & would rather avoid it if possible.
I’m interested in self hosting & would like deployment as simple as possible.
Is it possible to package to package app & server up into one Installer? If so, can you explain how/the process please?
Also, is it possible to make an .exe web app?
Ideally it’d be great to launch an .exe which self hosts & runs in a browser. Pretty much a desktop app but with server built in.
Wisej was designed also for this type of deployment. Look at the HostService extension. It’s provided with the full source code and free. See also https://wisej.com/blog/self-hosting-and-standalone-web-apps/
You can deploy a Wisej app with IIS (like an ASP.NET app), or as a self hosted service (it’s a self registering exe that you can copy in the project folder and register as a windows service), as a self hosted process (simply run the exe), or as a standalone application (runs like a desktop application – it’s similar to electron but better). Why better? Because electron is just a browser running javascript, Wisej standalone embeds the server too so your VB.NET or C# code also run in the embedded single desktop app. Additionally, Wisej provides two types of standalone apps: Explorer and Chromium. Explorer is just few kilobytes. Chromium is over 120MB because of chromium. Additionally, since we provide the full source code you can modify the frame as much as you like and add custom toolbars, or any other control and interact with the child browser.
Also, Wisej is capable of running as a single exe (really 1 file) as a service, a process or a desktop app. However, to package everything into a single exe you have to use ILMerge and do some other changes to let Wisej serve web.config and other system files from embedded resources. We are working on a tool called Wisej Container Builder that can do all of that easily.
An example of this approach is here: https://wisej.com/support/question/owin-self-hosted-application-in-single-binary
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