In a DateTimePicker, if I want to show only time, I used to use the following settings:
dt.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
dt.CustomFormat = “HH:mm”;
dt.ShowUpDown = true;
The UpDown arrows do not seem to work.
I tried the recommendation for WinForms:
dt.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Time;
dt.ShowUpDown = true;
with or without the CustomFormat setting.
UpDown arrows still do not work.
Additionaly, it would be nice to be able to not show the calendar icon in the DateTimePicker textbox (which is meaningless in a Time-only picker), either with a ShowCalendar = false setting, or by default if DateTimePickerFormat.Time is set.
This is with version 1.2.62 and the Classic-2 theme.
Hi Alex,
the bug has been fixed, the requested feature added. (Both in 1.2.63).
Best regards
Thanks Alex.
Logged as a bug WJ-7610 and enhancement request WJ-7611.
Best regards