[SOLVED] datagridview SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect;

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when I set on the datagridview the SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect, after selecteing on cell via mouse, not only on this selected cell Selected=true, but for all cells of this line

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Best Answer


Only full row selection is supported at the moment.


Known Issues

Column and Row auto resizing in the DataGridView and ListView are not functional yet.

The DataGridView supports full row selection only at the moment. It will support column and cell selection modes in one of the next updates.

WJ-7742: The ListView.ItemSize property sets the overall size of the items while it should set the size of the label part and let the widget adapt the overall size according to the icon size.

WJ-7743: ListView.ItemDrag is not currently supported.

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