When I a grid control edit colums and run project no problem, but edit a column again on grid “desingname” property not visible and when I project reopen again visible.
Hi Nick,
thanks for your bug report and screenshot.
I have tried to reproduce so far, but failed.
Does it only happen for MaskedTextBox columns or for all column types ? What Visual Studio version are you using ?
Can you please send me the code in InitializeComponent to frankATiceteagroup.com ?
Thanks in advance !
Best regards
Hi Frank
Step 1 : Use visual studio 2013
Step 2: Open web desktop Project
Step3: Add a grid control
Step 4: Add five random textbox column
Step 5 : Change a column desing Name example :abc after ok and save
Step 6 : Open grid of another columns as edit. expamle colums2 desing name is not visible , but name of abc columns desing name is visible.
Step1: Use Visual Studio 2013
Step2: Open web desktop project.
Step3: Add a grid control on form
Step4: Edit columns add random five textbox columns after ok and save
Step 5: Again edit columns and change a columns change design name as abc after ok and save.
Step6: Again edit columns and click another column desing name propery is not visible but changed name columns abc is visible.
Last Screen
And Test Project
Thank you for describing the steps. It still works here though (tested with VS 2013 and VS 2015).
Are you just saving or rebuilding ? Can you please try with rebuilding the code where you wrote save ?
Will keep trying to replicate that behavior here.
Best regards
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