Create Base Form / Pages


I´m trying to create Base Forms / Pages for our C# net8 Application.
The Classes throw no Error and in net8 is everythin going well, but when i will start the Designer with framework4.8 then i get a exception.
The designer could not be displayed for this file because none of the classes it contains can be defined. The designer checked the following classes in the file: Page1 — The FrontendBasePage.Base`1 base class could not be loaded. Ensure that the assembly is referenced and all projects are built. BasePage — The base class System.Object cannot be designed.

Theres any way to go to create bases Pages / Forms and use them to other Pages / Forms?

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Please wrap up a sample following the guidelines under “Before Posting an Issue”

We will see if we can reproduce with your sample and go from there.



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Hi Frank,
yes thats the reason from this lines
<TargetFrameworks Condition=”‘$(Configuration)’ == ‘Design'”>net48;net8.0</TargetFrameworks>
<TargetFrameworks Condition=”‘$(Configuration)’ == ‘Debug'”>net8.0</TargetFrameworks>
so to start the designer we go to “Design” that the multi targeting is activ

With “normal” Pages and Forms that based on Page Or Forms is everything fine.
But wenn i create a BaseForm : Form and a Second MyForm : BaseForm.
I cant open the designer.
So the desinger throw the Error.
Or sometimes i get from “normal” Pages a “Timeout to connect with the named Pipe”

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Hi Luca,

Wisej.NET designer needs .NET Framework 4.8 to work so you have to go with Multi Targeting.

Best regards

  • Luca Windisch
    The solve was your are not allowed to call a method directly @the ctor. if i put them to a appear event then is all ok.
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