The MDI container has the option to show thumbnails of the opened MDI children. I’d like to get these thumbnails from a Wisej class in order to use in another part of the application, is it possible?
Hi Sergio,
while the before mentioned solution works fine, there is an alternative approach that is using the original method that recreates the DOM rather than taking a screenshot.
I have attached a simple sample that you might want to adapt until it fits your needs.
Key code is this snippet here:
this.Eval($@" debugger; var widget = Wisej.Core.getComponent('id_{this.Control.Handle}'); var thumbnailEl = wisej.utils.Widget.makeThumbnail(widget, {{width:{this.Width},height:{this.Height}}}, 'fit'); this.getContentElement().getDomElement().appendChild(thumbnailEl); ");
Best regards
Hi Sergio,
I don´t think that this functionality is exposed directly but you might want to check out an extension that basically does the same thing:
After getting the image you can scale it with standard .NET techniques to fit to your needs.
Best regards
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