First of all, I tried to use the Find and Replace plugin from the link below and attempted to find it using the command editor.execute('find', 'steam');
but I couldn’t succeed.
Secondly, when I tried the following code from this link with ckeditor.eval
, it only finds the first match but cannot find the other matches.”
string eval = @”// Note: your instance name may differ.
var editor = this.editor,
selection = editor.getSelection(),
root = selection.root,
textNodes = [],
ranges = [],
range, text, index;function getTextNodes( element ) {
var children = element.getChildren(),
child;for ( var i = children.count(); i–; ) {
child = children.getItem( i );
if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
getTextNodes( child );
else if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
textNodes.push( child );
}// Recursively search for text nodes starting from root.
// You may want to search a specific branch starting from other element.
getTextNodes( root );// Iterate over found text nodes. If some contains
// phrase “”the””, create a range that selects this word.
for ( i = textNodes.length; i–; ) {
text = textNodes[ i ];
index = text.getText().indexOf( ‘erol’ );
if ( index > -1 ) {
range = editor.createRange();
range.setStart( text, index );
// Note: 3 is fixed length of “”the””. You may want to change it.
range.setEnd( text, index + 4 );
ranges.push( range );
}// Select all ranges “”containing”” phrase “”the””.
selection.selectRanges( ranges );”;
Is there an easier way to find all the matches?
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