I want do a event selection a group of rows, for do this i used a check box. I want do a multiselection and delete at same time all the rows selected. How i can do this, is it throgth a event? can someone help me with a example?
I need, to pick each value of the checkbox, in a column, and store in a counter the total of true values.
hello, so i atached a example, i want to delete more than one row, using the checkbox. how can i do that.
So, i have a datagridView, and have a checkbox for each line. this lines recover a model from a database. So i want to delete more than one line, at same time, checking more than one checkbox, them click in a button and send a query to delete all the lines checked.
we need more information about what you are trying to achieve. Are you talking about a DataGridView?
If you set up a compilable test case with clear questions we might be able to help but not by guessing from the description you provided so far.
Thanks in advance,