Can I change the background color of in item independently at runtime?
Since with the themes the colors of the interface I see that they can not be changed tam easily in execution time
It could be the bug I mentioned earlier. Please try the attached sample. This is what I get, but I’m using the current development build, which will be uploaded later today – it also contains the changes necessary for the self hosting and standalone features.
Thanks Luca, but i use listviewitem1.backcolor = <Color> but this not update color, the property change but in the interface not update, i add listview.refresh after but not change the color.
You can use
listViewItem1.BackColor, listViewItem1.ForeColor, and listViewItem1.Font.
There is currently a bug related to this: when a ListViewItem has sub items, it doesn’t update the main item’s colors.
The theme only controls the default colors and the hover, focused, disabled, etc. system behavioral visual aspects.
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