[SOLVED] Can't fade-out a form or UserPopup with animation



I can fade in a form or userpopup, but I can’t seem to fade out.  As far as I can tell, “fadeIn” is a built in animation, but “fadeOut” isn’t.

Here are my sources calling the popup, and the source of the popup itself.

You can see I try fading out in 2 ways — one as a callback of the popup.ShowPopup method, and one from the popup’s “Close” code.

Thanks for any help you can provide.



A sample is attached.

  1. Click Show Popup
  2. Close Popup
  3. Bug: Fade-out animation does not run
  • Andrew Niese
    I’ve managed to make it work several ways, but it fades out and then always shows “one last time” (fully visible) for a half second before disappearing.
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Best Answer

You can’t control the browser animation from the server. The animation extension is designed to add animation properties to controls. In the sample it’s created on Windows1 and used on a UserPopup. Do this:

  • Drop the Animation component on the UserPopup twice
  • In the designer you will find two Animation properties.
  • Set one to event=”appear” and name =”fadeIn”
  • Set the other to event=”disappear” and name=”fadeOut”

Wisej takes care of the rest on the client side in the browser.

However, the “disappear” animation will still not work for a UserPopup 🙂 because in order to show the panel as a popup it has to be wrapped in a popup container which is the one “disappearing” first so the inner UserPoup is already gone when the animation kicks in.

Will log the issue and send you a fixed sample once the Animation fix is in.


  • Andrew Niese
    Thank you so much! It looks slick when we can fade a popup both in and out.
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