I am currently evaluating Wisej but it does not work with HTTPS in my case.
It seems that the websocket is not opened for HTTPS.
I found an error in the Javascript that leads to the HTTP websocket getting a valid url and the HTTPS an invalid one. If I manually add a valid url in the JS debugger it Works.
The problem lies at wisej.js:1381 (formated for better readability):
var url = location.protocol == “https:” ? “wss://” : “ws://” + location.host + location.pathname + “app.wx”;
There are missing braces wich cause the end of the code to only be executed if it is not HTTPS. A more working version would be(changes in Bold):
var url = (location.protocol == “https:” ? “wss://” : “ws://”) + location.host + location.pathname + “app.wx”;
Hi Adrian,
it´s fixed in our latest release (1.3.40), just uploaded.
Best regards
This one is embarrassing, somebody must have deleted the parenthesis 🙂
One more thing to watch out for when using HTTPS, if you don’t have a valid authority ssl certificate installed (self signed certificates don’t count), when using HTTPS it works with a warning, but WSS will be denied by the browser and you can’t use WS when the “parent” connection was started with HTTPS.
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