Hi all,
Thank you for all the help on the last project. We are currently in test on it.
I had some free time and was looking at being able at the BotFramework and in particular the WebChat control https://github.com/Microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat
I was wonder what you advice is for using this with Wisej. I created a widget and used this in the init
this.init = function() {
this.container.id = “bot”;
directLine: { secret: “seceret” },
user: { id: “default-user” },
bot: { id: “SampleDirectLineWebSockets” },
resize: ‘detect’
}, document.getElementById(“bot”));
It brings up the chat control but it doesn’t scroll or act like the regular control.
On the link above they say to use an iframe but I didn’t know if that would work or not because of the javascript.
Also another question would it be possible to have a box/control that would host typescript applications?
Hi Tim, I looked at the project, it requires node.js and npm to install it and run the server. If you have it running without Wisej, it should be straightforward to make to make it work with Wisej. You simply need to do what you’d have to with a any html or js app.
If it needs an iframe you can use the Wisej.Web.IFramePanel, or if you want to embed it in a Wisej.Web.Widget, you can create any html inside the widget container:
this.container.innerHTML = ‘<iframe src=”/path/to/your/webchat/instance” height=”height” width=”width” />’
Or you can create an inner div or any other html structure and use it for the bot.
By the way… a very simple chat application is available in our sample code section:
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