When I add a new row to a binding source that is used in a datagrid then appears two Rows on the grid, one row with my data and another empty row, why happen this?
Hi Nikos,
the bug was logged as WJ-8598 and is fixed in our latest Wisej development build (1.4.53).
Best regards
Ok Luca,
I can use your way to add record to my tables until you fix it,
I never used the tables to add the records but with this way i can use less code
Thank you for your support
I can reproduce with EndEdit(). You can comment it out, the result is the same. We’ll fix asap.
I have the latest version and use Visual Basic
I use the bindingsource to add new rows like this
Dim DS as new dataset
Dim DG as new datagridview
Dim BS as new bindingsource(DS,”MyTable”)
DG.DataSource = BS
BS.Current(“ID”) = 1
BS.Current(“NAME”) = “Peter”
On Datagrid i have two rows
Change your sample as bellow and run it
// My way
DataRowView cur = (DataRowView)bs.Current;
cur.Row[“ID”] = “1”;
cur.Row[“NAME”] = “Peter”;
//Your Way
Hi Nikos,
I´ve tried to reproduce in a simple sample, but failed: http://wisej.s3.amazonaws.com/support/attachments/Binding.zip
Can you please compare with your code and also make sure that you are using the latest Wisej build ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
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