Beta Updates

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For those of you who downloaded 1.2.53 and are facing problems with Application.Update,
please upgrade to version 1.2.54 (just uploaded). Thanks !

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A new build (1.2.53) has just been uploaded. It includes the following fixes/enhancements:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7549 Bug Low Trivial DGV bound ComboBox with DropDownStyle = DropDown (editable)
should allow the user to enter any value.
WJ-7550 Bug Low Trivial All panels lose the AutoSize property when changing the
Dock property and cannot grow vertically.
WJ-7551 Enhancement Low Trivial Make the root element transparent to let the application’s main
html page interact with Wisej widgets.
WJ-7552 Enhancement Low Trivial Add Menu.MenuItemClicked event to let the owner menu
class handle clicks on all child menu items.
WJ-7553 Bug Low Trivial MenuItem.GetMainMenu() and MenuItem.GetContextMenu()
return null when called from first level children.
WJ-7554 Enhancement Low Trivial Add disabled state in all themes for the tool buttons. Complete
WJ-7555 Bug High Major DGV ComboBox cell bounds to a data source causes an exception
when the value type is not a string.
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Build 1.2.49 has just been uploaded including the following fixes/enhancements:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7531 Bug Low Trivial Cannot activate MDI child in preview mode after having closed another MDI child Complete
WJ-7535 Regression Low Trivial Current cell cannot be set to an invisible cell is raised trying to
assigning a datasource to a DGV with invisible column(s)
WJ-7538 Task High Major DGV hiding/showing rows. Complete
WJ-7539 Bug Low Trivial Cannot activate an mdi child programmatically. Complete
WJ-7540 Bug Low Trivial Form.ActiveForm returns the mdi child instead of the mdi parent. Complete
WJ-7541 Bug Low Trivial Adding a docked control to an mdi parent form overlaps
the mdi client in design mode – works fine at runtime.
WJ-7542 Bug Low Trivial SplitContainer doesn’t update it’s children in design mode until resized. Complete
WJ-7545 Enhancement Low Trivial Add DataGridView.LastCellTab event. Complete
WJ-7546 Bug Low Trivial Tabbing cells with EditoOnEnter on may cause the focused cell
to flicker back one cell briefly.
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We have just uploaded a new build (1.2.45) including the following list of changes/enhancements/fixes:

Breaking Changes

Application.Update(context, action = null) has been finalized requiring the context (not optional) and with an optional method. Any Wisej component can be used as the context, including the new Application.Current property.

To call a method in context and ensuring that the context is restored and cleared, use:

Application.Update(this, () => {

// Code or calls from this location will find the Application reference fully restored
// for the current thread.


Or simply use Application.Update(this) or Application.Update(app) where app can be a saved reference to Application.Current.


– General UI speed improvements.

– DGV editing state and icon added to all themes. (Please redownload theme files, too)

– DGV keyboard navigation and cell validation.

– Added   <add name=”json” verb=”*” path=”*.json” type=”System.Web.HttpForbiddenHandler” /> to Web.config under <handlers> in all project templates to prevent IIS from service the json configuration files.

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7284 Bug Low Trivial Rows in a DataGridView that are added with AllowUserToAddRows miss the new row icon Complete
WJ-7341 Bug Low Trivial DGV: Space does not work when editing a cell Complete
WJ-7445 Enhancement Low Trivial Add the Tools property to DGV cells that use editors that support the Tools. Complete
WJ-7521 Regression Low Trivial DGV Row Header doesn’t show the focused row indicator anymore. Complete
WJ-7522 Enhancement Low Trivial Support BackgroundImage in DGV column headers and any DataGridViewCellStyle. Complete
WJ-7523 Bug Low Major Entering edit mode in a new row in a DGV control always
adds a new row when clicking outside of the cell without having typed anything.
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0 Update

Sorry, it’s not fully tested. Still short until Monday.


Breaking Changes

– The ToolClick event and OnToolClick method have been changed to be consistent with the .NET event system. Now the sender is the control that owns the tools, and the args is an instance of ToolClickEventArgs with a property named Tool that is a reference to the ComponentTool widget that was clicked. Known issue: The tool button must have a name or it’s not detected correctly by the event.

– The property Application.Context has been removed. There is no need to save and restore the context for out-of-bounds real time updates.

– General speed improvements in the server-client communication and execution.
– General speed improvements in the creation and disposal of widgets on the client side.
– DataGridView designer recognizes inherited controls and serializes the DisplayIndex of added columns.
– All collection editors have been enhanced to recognize extended classes and show them when adding child components.
– All widgets have been enhanced to allow arbitrary child widgets to be added programmatically. For example, you can add buttons to a TreeView, or check boxes to an image. The internal layout is, in most cases, unchanged, the child controls will be placed according to their location, or docking or anchoring values. To adapt the internal layout, if needed, you have to modify the widget at the javascript level.
– The Real Time Push Update system doesn’t require saving the context anymore. Any out-of-bound thread can call Application.Update() to push updates to the client when using a WebSocket connection.
– The DataGridViewComboBoxColumn data binding has been completed.
– Wisej now fully supports Azure Web Site deployments (directly from Visual Studio). Before it worked only as an Azure Web Role or Virtual Machine due to restrictions of the Azure architecture when using the Web Site deployment – namely the lack of GDI support to measure fonts: any ASP.NET library that needs to measure a font doesn’t work as an Azure Web Site. That includes Reporting Services Viewer, PDF generators, etc.
New Features
– Tool buttons have been added to the top of the TreeView, the top of the DataGridView, the top of the MonthCalendar, the ComboBox and the DateTimePicker controls.
– The DataGridView also supports hosting arbitrary controls inside itself. It now acts as a container at design time: you can drop any control on a DataGridView and the widget will adapt its internal layout to make room for the controls depending on the controls’ docking value. For example, if you add a TreeView to a DataGridView and the TreeView is docked to the right, the internal grid layout will line up to the left of the TreeView. This feature can be used to add custom toolbars, status bars, side bars, edit panels, etc. If the dropped in controls are resizable, the internal layout can also be resized by the user. See screen show below for an example of the potential of this new feature:
The image shows a grid (with different docking order) with: a) tool buttons; b) a toolbar; c) a statusbar; d) a tab control containing a treeview with tool buttons aligned left.
– The DataGridViewCellStyle has two new properties: RowSpan and ColSpan. They can be set on individual cells or updated dynamically when processing the cell formatting events.
– DataGridView has a new event CellToolClick, fired when the user click a tool button in one of the column types that support editors with tools.
– The HtmlPanel can handle clicks on any element and fire the new ElementClick event on the server. The new HtmlPanel.AllowNavigation property can be set to false to prevent links from navigating the browser to a different page.
– The AspNetPanel extends the Sytem.Web.Page class with two new methods: this.FindPage() and this.FindForm(). They can be used by the AspNet code running in a postback or callback or update panel to find the form or page hosting the ASP.NET page, allowing for total integration. Note that stanalone AspNet controls are still not supported, they have to be placed in an ASP.NET page. In the future we will support standalone ASP.NETcontrols and ASP.NETpages as embedded resources to allow for the creation of self contained assemblies.
– The DataGridView now support custom editors. You can assign or change the DataGridView.Column.Editor property at any time (even when processing the CellBeginEdit event) and use any control as the editor for the cell. The editor can also be a full form, in which case the data grid will show the form as a client-side modal (not server side modal) and will terminate editing when the form is closed. This features allows a cell to edit complex arbitrary data in custom designed forms.
Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7515 Bug Low Trivial TextBox.CharacterCasing = Uppercase changes to uppercase only when typing, the value keeps the original casing. Complete
WJ-7516 Bug Low Trivial Typing when a DropDownList combobox is dropped down doesn’t select the items. Complete
WJ-7517 Bug Low Trivial When a scrollable panel shows the vertical scrollbar now it also always show the horizontal scrollbar. Complete
WJ-7487 Bug Low Trivial Child controls inside SplitContainer don’t resize when application starts with WindowState = Maximized Complete
WJ-7513 Bug Low Trivial DGV inner controls docked to bottom or right and resizable don’t update the inner layout correctly. Complete
WJ-7518 Bug Low Trivial Form.CancelButton doesn’t respond to Escape. Complete
WJ-7519 Bug Low Trivial Clicking on the middle of an empty MaskedTextBox may place the caret in between the placeholder string. Complete
WJ-7514 Bug Low Trivial The form control sets the focusable widget property to true and causes an intermittent javascript error. Won’t Fix
WJ-7286 Bug Low Trivial Panel.ResizableEdges = Bottom does not work. Complete
WJ-7287 Task Medium Minor Implement DataGridViewComboBoxColumn data binding. Complete
WJ-7349 Enhancement Low Trivial Show the type of the selected DGV colum in the columns editor. Complete
WJ-7367 Bug Low Trivial DGV: DateTime Column that is bound to the grid wraps Complete
WJ-7418 Bug Low Trivial Long non-wrapping messages in a MessageBox touch the right border. Complete
WJ-7462 Enhancement Low Trivial Add property or method to hide a TabPage without having to remove it from the TabControl. Complete
WJ-7466 Bug Low Trivial Columns added to an inherited DGV don’t serialize their relative DisplayIndex. Complete
WJ-7486 Bug Low Trivial Grid.OnDoubleClick isn’t fired Complete
WJ-7487 Bug Low Trivial Child controls inside SplitContainer don’t resize when application starts with WindowState = Maximized Complete
WJ-7496 Regression Low Trivial Wisej bubbles extensions stopped working. Complete
WJ-7497 Regression Low Trivial all menu items show the checkbox icon. Complete
WJ-7498 Bug Medium Major Clicking on a menu item in a SplitButton generates an ApplictionException “Wisej.Core.Dynamic.Object” does not contain a definition for ‘Item’. Complete
WJ-7499 Bug Low Minor Upload control doesn’t send the same file twice. Complete
WJ-7500 Enhancement Low Trivial Wire clicks inside an HtmlPanel back to the server. Complete
WJ-7501 Task Low Trivial Add Tools to DataGridView Complete
WJ-7502 Task Low Trivial Add Tools to TreeView Complete
WJ-7503 Task Low Trivial Add Tools to MonthCalendar Complete
WJ-7504 New Feature Low Trivial Allow the DataGridView to host arbitrary docked or floating controls. Complete
WJ-7505 New Feature Low Trivial Allow any control to host child controls. Complete
WJ-7506 New Feature Low Trivial Add RowSpan, ColSpan to DataGridCellStyle. Complete
WJ-7508 Bug Low Trivial HelloWorld sample in the installer is broken. Complete
WJ-7509 Bug High Major Azure deployment causes all controls to be created with 0 size and negative locations. Complete
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A new build is available.

Most of the fixes are around focus management, validation, cleaning up the code, and closing loose ends.

We are going to slow down for a couple of weeks due to vacations. However, urgent fixes and nightly builds will still be uploaded.

Most of the effort at the moment is going to completing the minimum control set and the last missing control is the ListView. It’s very close to being ready. It uses the qooxdoo virtual infrastracture (similar to the datagrid) and it’s able to render an unlimited number of items by creating only the visible dom elements. I have seen it scrolling 1M items without slowing down.


Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7464 Bug Low Trivial SplitContainer.IsSplitterFixed doesn’t work. Complete
WJ-7465 Bug Low Trivial DataGridViewNumericUpDownColumn serializes the default Min/Max values. Complete
WJ-7467 Bug High Major DGV uses the ControlBase internal state field instead of the DGV state. Complete
WJ-7468 Bug Low Trivial Event FontChanged is fired twice. Complete
WJ-7469 Bug Low Trivial Creating a new font based on a theme font doesn’t update the client. Complete
WJ-7470 Enhancement Low Trivial Add support to theme SystemFonts. Complete
WJ-7471 Regression Low Trivial When the ImageSource is a URL the image is not loaded because of the encoding change. Complete
WJ-7472 Enhancement High Major Throw an exception when cannot find startup and/or mainWindow. Complete
WJ-7473 Bug Low Trivial Tabbing out a DateTimeField the first time causes the focus to remain in the field. Complete
WJ-7474 Bug Low Trivial Setting the ToolboxButton.Visible property to false causes a javascript error when used as a separator. Complete
WJ-7475 Bug Low Trivial ToobarButton.Tag is grayed out in the property editor. Complete
WJ-7476 Bug Low Trivial ListBox.HorizontalScrollBar and ListBox.ScrollAlwaysVisible always show the same value, changing one changes the other. Complete
WJ-7477 Bug Low Trivial MaskedTextBox.HidePromptOnLeave and TextBoxBase.ReadOnly flags are mixed up, setting one updates the other. Complete
WJ-7478 Bug High Show Stopper When editing a TextBox or a ComboBox and moving the focus to another control, the focus may jump back to the modified editing control under certain circumstances. Complete
WJ-7481 Bug High Show Stopper Tabbing in/out of fields that don’t attach any of the Validate, Validating, GotFocus, LostFocus events causes the validation on the server to go out of sync. Complete
WJ-7482 Bug High Show Stopper Assigning a TreeNode’s Opened, Selected and State ImageIndex or ImageKey generates a NullReferenceException. Complete
WJ-7483 Bug Low Trivial The focus abd validation events are fired in the wrong order. Complete
WJ-7480 Bug Low Trivial DateTimePicker.Invalid = true or canceling validation doesn’t update the border to show the invalid state. Complete


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A new build (1.2.31) of Wisej has just been uploaded with a lot of fixes and major improvements.

You will find the list of issues further below, please note the following additional information:

All themes have been updated.

General improvements in the Theme Builder. 

Massive UI speed improvement:

The core qooxdoo widget engine has been optimized significantly. Some tests showed an ever greater increase in time when creating many controls. The new optimized queues show a constant low time. When creating 500 controls we went from 3-5 seconds to about 250ms.

Wisej now only sends to the client the controls that have been made visible at least once. This optimization greatly increases the performance when creating complex forms with tabs or hidden panels. It makes no difference to the server side code. All extenders (tooltip, javascript, etc.) have been updated to wait for a control to be created to extend it.

The core UI flush – the javascript that renders the DOM – has also been improved. The standard flush uses a single animation frame. It is slightly faster to complete but causes long frames in the browser (small freeze). An alternative more “frame friendly” flush can be turned on by adding “options”: {“optimizeFrames”: true} in the application json file. This option should make the rendering a bit more fluid. This new flush method will be improved further.

Additional changes:

Changed RemoveAll() to Clear() in all property extenders.

Several bug fixes in all property extenders when disposing the component or detaching controls.

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7436 Regression High Minor TextBox and ComboBox with AutoSize=true don’t anchor the width. Complete
WJ-7437 Bug High Minor Mdi child forms closed using the tab don’t fire FormClosing and FormClosed. Complete
WJ-7438 Bug Low Trivial Form.Deactivate is fired after Form.Activated, it should be the opposite. Complete
WJ-7439 Bug Low Trivial Closing an MdiChild using the close button on the tabbed mdi page
doesn’t let the form cancel the closing.
WJ-7440 Enhancement Low Trivial Add the Aligment property to toolbar buttons to dock to the right side of the toolbar. Complete
WJ-7442 Enhancement Low Trivial Add MonthCalendar.firstDayOfWeek property. Complete
WJ-7443 Bug Low Trivial Clear themes use the wrong color for the weekend days. Complete
WJ-7446 Enhancement High Major General performance degradation when creating a large set of controls at once,
usually in the first load..
WJ-7451 Regression High Major TextBox validation doesn’t fire when losing the focus. Complete
WJ-7452 Bug Low Trivial Images with a space in their name are not shown. Complete
WJ-7453 Regression Low Trivial Controls with AutoSize on that are dropped from the toolbox
are created with the wrong initial size.
WJ-7455 Bug Low Trivial ThemeBuilder raises an NullReferenceExcpetion
when double clicking on a theme mixin file.
WJ-7456 Bug Low Trivial ThemeBuilder’s built in code editor cannot modify a mixin file,
it always tried to update the main theme.
WJ-7454 Bug Low Trivial Images in a mixin don’t show in the designer ImageSource editor. Complete
WJ-7457 Bug Low Trivial Color, Font and Image editors cannot edit multiple selected properties. Complete
WJ-7458 Bug Low Trivial The DGV sort icon in the themes is incorrect. Complete
WJ-7459 Bug Low Trivial The DGV column visibility item doesn’t show the checkbox icon when unchecked,
this is in all themes.
WJ-7460 Bug Low Trivial Changing the CheckBox.TriState property doesn’t update the checked state on the client. Complete
WJ-7461 Bug Low Trivial Hiding/adding a TabPage at runtime is not immediately reflected in the browser. Complete
WJ-7463 Bug Low Trivial Native drag & drop in IE and Edge bubbles up. Complete
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We´re happy to announce a new beta build (1.2.25).

In addition to a rather large list of bug fixes (see below) you will find the following additions:

  • Added Tools to TextBox (we will add it to the ComboBox as well, in our next update)
  • The MonthCalendar control is now available, though not fully functional (selection and events don´t work yet)
  • All themes have been updated to support the MonthCalendar plus some other fixes.
    –> Please redownload them as well !
Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7423 Bug Low Trivial Changing the parent of a child control at runtime
causes the control to lose the parent.
WJ-7421 Bug Low Trivial Classic-2 theme doesn’t show the navigation buttons
in the DateChooser control.
WJ-7422 Bug Low Trivial Activating a new MdiChild while it’s created
doesn’t make it visible the first time it’s shown
WJ-7416 Enhancement Low Major Wisej: Treeview performance is bad Complete
WJ-7424 Bug Low Trivial Action in Treeview AfterCheck Event is always “Unknown” Complete
WJ-7425 Bug Low Trivial Hiding a docked MenuBar or ToolBar doesn’t adjust the layout. Complete
WJ-7426 Bug Low Trivial Single quote in a ComboBox shows as \u0027. Complete
WJ-7427 Bug Low Trivial Label with borders doesn’t show the padding space when set. Complete
WJ-7428 Bug Low Trivial The Clear and Classic theme use the light icon for the DateChooser
navigation buttons making it not visible.
WJ-7429 Bug Low Trivial Reusing a disposed control doesn’t throw the ObjectDisposed exception. Complete
WJ-7430 Bug Low Trivial The ToolBarButton is initialized with preset Margin and Padding
– should start with the Default values.
WJ-7431 Bug High Major Altering the e.CellStyle passed to the DGV CellFormatting
event alters the original DataGridViewCellStyle.
WJ-7432 Bug Medium Minor The DGV LinkBehavior.HoverUnderline inherits applies the AlwaysUnderline style. Complete
WJ-7433 Bug High Minor TabPage.AutoScroll doesn’t work. Complete
WJ-7434 Bug Medium Trivial Padding set in the theme is not applied to controls with the Padding property. Complete
WJ-7435 Bug Low Trivial Padding set in the theme is not used to calculate the AutoSize. Complete
WJ-7418 Bug Low Trivial Long non-wrapping messages in a MessageBox touch the right border. Complete
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A new build (1.2.22) is now available. It includes the following fixes:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7410 Bug Low Trivial TreeView.CollapseAll hides all nodes Complete
WJ-7411 Bug Low Trivial TreeNodes without children are not indented correctly Complete
WJ-7412 Bug Low Trivial Tabs in the MdiTabView don´t show the icon associated with the mdi child Complete
WJ-7413 Bug Low Trivial Icons on tabs are too small: theme issue. Complete
WJ-7414 Bug Low Trivial Window/form icon doesn’t scale its image. Complete
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We´re happy to announce a new build (1.2.19). It includes the following fixes and additions:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7408 Bug Low Trivial Removing a menu item from a MenuBar doesn’t update the the design view. Complete
WJ-7402 Bug High Major MdiChildActivate is not fired. Complete
WJ-7406 Bug Low Trivial Layout problems in an MDI when FormBorderStyle.None is set in the designer Complete
WJ-7407 Enhancement Medium Major Change DGV and TV collection editors to update the designer live. Complete
WJ-7405 Bug Low Trivial Cannot design window when creating a new WebApplication with VB template Complete
WJ-7404 Regression Low Minor The TabPage close button is not visible anymore. Complete
WJ-7397 Enhancement Low Trivial Add support for classic pipeline. Complete
WJ-7403 Bug Low Trivial TabIndexChanged, TabStopChanged, and other inherited events
are visible in Wisej.Web.Form and Wisej.Web.Page.
WJ-7388 Enhancement Medium Minor Add ColumnType to DGV column editor to change the column type at design time. Complete
WJ-7389 Bug Low Trivial DGV cell style design editor doesn’t update the design view. Complete
WJ-7387 Enhancement Low Trivial Add collapse all/expand all to ThemeBuilder code editor. Complete
WJ-7386 Bug Low Trivial Animated GIFs assigned as an embedded image lose the animation. Complete
WJ-7382 Bug Low Trivial Tabbing on the last cell in the second to last row jumps to the previous row. Complete
WJ-7384 Bug Low Trivial Tabbing backward when in the first column in a DGV may cause an exception. Complete
WJ-7385 Bug Medium Minor Recreating columns in DGV with an active cell causes
“Unable to get property ‘visX’ of undefined or null reference”
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A new build (1.2.14) with the following fixes/additions has been uploaded:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7368 Bug Low Trivial Showing a form with window.ShowDialog does not focus its first control Complete
WJ-7379 Bug Low Trivial Disable pointer on diabled buttons. Complete
WJ-7380 Enhancement Low Trivial Add Application.Download(Stream). Complete
WJ-7381 Regression High Major Controls dropped on a tab control page are not visible at design time. Complete
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We have just uploaded a new build (1.2.11). It includes the following fixes and enhancements.
Please note additional information about that build.
Please also note that we are preparing a new automatic notification system for updates and release notes that will be available soon.And finally please be informed that all remaining open data grid view issues will be part of the new Wisej build.

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7291 Bug Medium Minor DateTimePicker uses the server’s locale to localize month and day names. Complete
WJ-7292 Enhancement Medium Minor Add option to disable and localize tooltips in the date picker. Complete
WJ-7315 Bug Low Trivial Missing tree view methods Complete
WJ-7329 Regression High Major Under certain cirmcustances the databinding doesn’t read the source value the first time the parent control becomes visible. Complete
WJ-7331 Bug Low Trivial ShowDialog(onclose) doesn’t call the onclose handler. Complete
WJ-7335 Bug Medium Trivial The title of he messagebox is encoded incorrectly, it showes the unicode html notation. Complete
WJ-7336 Bug Low Trivial DGV icon for row resize shows until you try to use it. Complete
WJ-7337 Bug Low Trivial DGV RowTemplate.Height is ignored when KeepSameRowHeight = true Complete
WJ-7338 Bug Low Minor DGV row template design time error when editing the RowTemplate.DefaultCellStyle. Complete
WJ-7340 Bug Low Trivial Column editor does not read column width correctly from designer code Complete
WJ-7343 Bug Medium Major Exception and VS crash when adding a SqlServer local file data source using the data source drop down. Complete
WJ-7344 Enhancement Low Trivial Add method to measure a string. Complete
WJ-7345 Enhancement Low Trivial Add TreeNode.Visible to hide a node instead of removing it from a TreeView. Complete
WJ-7346 Bug Low Major Creating a data source from the drop down doesn’t work without a reference to System.Configuration. Complete
WJ-7347 Bug Low Trivial ComboBox doesn’t enforce the height set in the theme. Complete
WJ-7350 Bug Low Trivial DGV column editor shows the wrong icon next to the list of columns. Complete
WJ-7351 Bug Low Trivial TreeView.NextVisibleNode and TreeView.PrevVisibleNode don’t iterate child nodes. Complete
WJ-7352 Bug Low Trivial TreeNode.NextNode and TreeNode.PrevNode return the wrong node. Complete
WJ-7353 Task Low Trivial Implement TreeNode.EnsureVisible. Complete
WJ-7354 Task Low Trivial Change the javascript base class for wisej.web.ListBox to the standard list; the virtual list can’t handle html in items. Complete
WJ-7355 Bug Low Trivial Typing a numeric value into a NumericUpDownColumn causes a conversion exception. Complete
WJ-7356 Bug Low Trivial Screen.Working area is not visible since it’s not static. Complete
WJ-7360 Bug Low Trivial The spinner in all the themes doesn’t remove the border when used as a cell editor. Complete
WJ-7361 Bug High Major Removing a DGV CheckBoxColumn may cause a NullReference exception. Complete
WJ-7362 Bug Low Trivial Changing the theme doesn’t reset the cached FontHeight used to calculate AutoSize controls. Complete
WJ-7363 Bug Low Trivial Clicking on a toolbar button does not trigger validation Complete
WJ-7364 Bug Low Trivial ChartJS.LineDataSet collection editor lists LineDataSet twice Complete
WJ-7366 Bug Low Trivial Changing Label Height in Theme Builder affects other controls Complete
WJ-7371 Bug Low Trivial A checkbox with no text is not fully displayed in the designer Complete
WJ-7372 Bug Low Trivial A check box with no text is displayed with an additional space at the right of it at runtime. Complete
WJ-7373 Enhancement Low Trivial Implement DateTimePicker.ShowToolTips Complete


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A new build is available (1.2.10). It includes the following fix and enhancement.
Please note the namespace change !

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7326 Bug High Major Adding a control at runtime as a child of unselected TabPage
will not show the control when the page is selected.
WJ-7327 Task Medium Trivial Change databinding namespace from Wisej.Data to Wisej.Web to keep a consisent namespace. Complete


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A new Wisej build (1.2.9) has just been uploaded. It includes the following fixes and enhancements:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7314 Bug Low Trivial Nested SplitContainers don’t remove the border of the parent panel. Complete
WJ-7317 Enhancement Low Trivial Translate CRLF to BR/ also for buttons and labels. Complete
WJ-7319 Bug Medium Major Databinding is not triggered when a control loses the focus by tabbing out. Complete
WJ-7322 Bug Low Trivial Components in the project derived from System.ComponentModel.Component
don’t appear in the toolbox.
WJ-7323 Bug Medium Major Data bound children of Page and Desktop don’t update their data bound
properties the first time the container is shown.
WJ-7324 Bug Low Trivial Removing a child panel with tool buttons at design time doesn’t
remove the tools from the container.
WJ-7316 Bug Low Trivial Selecting event is not fired for TabControl Complete
WJ-7301 Bug Medium Minor KnobControl is broken, it shows property or method “getFamily” is not supported Complete
WJ-7325 Bug Low Trivial KnobControl may cause a “double” to “int” exception because of sub-pixel values. Complete
WJ-7313 Enhancement Low Trivial Resize the icon in a button control to fit the image size set in the theme. Complete
WJ-7318 Bug Low Trivial ReadOnly TextBox controls still gain the focus. Won’t Fix
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A new build (1.2.8) is available and includes the following fixes and enhancements

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7312 Enhancement Low Trivial Add editor and save button in ThemeBuilder to modify the built-in preview scripts. Complete
WJ-7311 Enhancement Low Trivial Increase the maxWidth of the messagebox in the Material-3 theme. Complete
WJ-7310 Enhancement Low Trivial The width of the title is not considered when sizing a MessageBox. Complete
WJ-7308 Regression Low Trivial Vertical part of TextAlign property of a label is not recognized. Complete
WJ-7309 Bug Low Trivial Form added as MDI child does not receive focus / activation message Complete
WJ-7307 Bug Low Trivial After removing a toolbar/status bar with buttons codes generated by designer is not removed completely Complete
WJ-7306 Enhancement Low Trivial Include the width of the title when calculating the size of the messagebox. Complete
WJ-7301 Bug Medium Minor KnobControl is broken, it shows property or method “getFamily” is not supported Complete


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A new build with the following issues fixed has been uploaded.


Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7293 Bug Low Trivial Can´t change forecolor of Upload control Complete
WJ-7304 Bug Medium Minor NullReferenceException when deleting a style or property in themebuilder and at runtime when using certain fonts. Complete
WJ-7294 Bug Low Trivial Window.Parent is always null Won’t Fix
WJ-7288 Task Medium Trivial Implement events and themeing for DataGridViewLinkColumn. Complete
WJ-7289 Bug Medium Minor DGV throws an exception when the data source is not sortable. Complete
WJ-7290 Bug Low Trivial DateTimePicker doesn’t received the CheckedChanged event. Complete
WJ-7297 Enhancement Medium Minor Set the default image size for controls that show an icon: buttons and label. Complete
WJ-7298 Regression High Show Stopper ComboBox and ListBox data binding is broken. Complete
WJ-7299 Bug Medium Major Toolbox button with style=DropDownButton cause a javascript error “Unsupported control: icon” Complete
WJ-7301 Bug Medium Minor KnobControl is broken, it shows property or method “getFamily” is not supported Complete
WJ-7302 Regression High Major ComboBox does not show items when dropping down Complete
WJ-7303 Bug Low Trivial ImageList doesn’t show the designer action icon. Complete
WJ-7282 Bug Low Trivial DataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns is missing in property browser Complete
WJ-7283 Bug Low Trivial DataGridView columns get confused when clearing and adding columns Complete
WJ-7285 Bug Low Trivial JustGage.ShowTitle = false does not hide it´s title. Complete
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Hi Markus,

I see your point. However during the beta phase we are updating the build several times, mainly to gather testers/bug reporters feedback
before we set open issues to “Complete”.

Then we post a list of issues together with an announcement of a new build.

Of course this will change once we are in “official release mode”. Then we´re going to separate into development/internal builds
and production builds.

Best regards

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I just noted by chance that there is a new update (1.2.5) available. Could please keep us posted about the changes and additions?


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A new build ( has just been uploaded. Here´s the list of new fixes and additions:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7281 Regression Medium Show Stopper ThemeBuilder deletes all styles or all properties when the user deletes only one. Complete
WJ-7278 Bug Low Trivial The Application item template doesn’t substute the $safeprojectname$ placeholder. Complete
WJ-7279 Bug Low Minor Pressing Enter when editing a newly added TabPage pops up the designer actions list blocking the property dialog. Complete
WJ-7277 Bug Low Trivial The project templates keep the same port number. Complete
WJ-7274 Bug Medium Major Setting the DataSource to null on a DataGridView control causes a javascript error. Complete
WJ-7275 Bug Low Major Undo a designer transaction that set the DataSource to null on a DataGridView causes an exception. Complete
WJ-7276 Task Low Minor Add databound options to the ComboBox and ListBox designer actions. Complete
WJ-7273 Bug Low Trivial Resetting a combo box datasource does not work Complete
WJ-7272 Enhancement Medium Major Add FillWeight to FlowLayoutPanel to support filling a row when wrapping. Complete
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Latest build ( has just been uploaded. It includes the following fixes and enhancements:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7274 Bug Medium Major Setting the DataSource to null on a DataGridView control causes a javascript error. Complete
WJ-7275 Bug Low Major Undo a designer transaction that set the DataSource to null on a DataGridView causes an exception. Complete
WJ-7276 Task Low Minor Add databound options to the ComboBox and ListBox designer actions. Complete
WJ-7273 Bug Low Trivial Resetting a combo box datasource does not work Complete
WJ-7272 Enhancement Medium Major Add FillWeight to FlowLayoutPanel to support filling a row when wrapping. Complete
WJ-7262 Task Low Minor Implement frozen columns in DataGridView. Complete
WJ-7264 Bug Low Trivial Textbox fails to read the default height from the theme Complete
WJ-7265 Bug Low Trivial Clear-1 theme is corrupted. Complete
WJ-7266 New Feature Medium Minor DragStart is not fired when AllowDrag is true. Complete
WJ-7267 Bug Medium Major DragEventArgs always sets the pointer coordinates to 0,0 Complete
WJ-7269 Regression High Show Stopper Page doesn’t fill the design area. Complete
WJ-7270 Enhancement Low Trivial Add specific icons for all MessageBoxIcon values instead of using the duplicate names. Complete
WJ-7271 New Feature Low Trivial Add NumericUpDown column to the datagridview. Complete
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Showing 21 - 40 of 44 results