Beta Updates

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The beta period was closed some time ago. Wisej is available for production use.

You can use the Download section to access current builds and further resources.

Best wishes

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A new build (1.2.85) has just been uploaded.

It fixes the problems with ListView in design mode and the Month/Year selector in DateTimePicker has been improved.

  • Ewan Walker
    Now 1.3.0 has been released how do we get future updates?
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We have just uploaded a new build (1.2.83) with the following fixes/enhancements.

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7738 Bug Low Trivial Month/Year selector is losing 2 years when using the arrow keys Complete
WJ-7736 Enhancement Low Trivial Improve autocomplete with “Suggest” for editable Comboboxes Complete
WJ-7737 Bug Low Trivial Changing the width of a ColumnHeader in a ListView
prevents it from being cleaned up when the ListView is deleted.

We have also adapted a small sample from the Mono test suite. It uses VirtualMode for a ListView with 5.000.000 items.

You can download it here

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We have just released a new beta update (1.2.82).

New features:

The ListView control is implemented. All the themes have been updated accordingly.

Supports Tile, SmalIlIcon, LargeIcon and Details views. It’s built using the virtual infrastracture from the qooxdoo layer and renders only the visible items in the DOM with unlimited virtual scrolling. Each item can have a state icon (or a checkbox), an icon and text. Colors and icon sources like theme icons or URLs are supported. It also supports working in VirtualMode and label editing.

Known issues:

  • The ItemSize property sets the overall size of the item.
    It has to set only the size of the text widget and let the list view resize the items depending on the layout and size of the icon.
  • ListView.AutoResizeColumn() is not implemented yet.
  • Automatic sorting is not fully implemented.

MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker have a new drop down Month/Year selector. It shows by tapping the month year label at the top.

Added new UserPopup control. It’s derived from UserControl and it can be opened in design mode. It can be used as a custom popup to attach to any control. Use ShowPoup() with the different options to determine where to show the poup and how to align it to the opener control.

Mdi child forms merge their menu into the parent’s menu when activated.

DataGridView can resize the columns using the divider between them when the column headers are hidden.

Fixes / Enhancements:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7735 Bug Medium Minor DateTimePicker.NullableValue and NumericUpDown.
NullableValue properties don’t fire PropertyChanged when bound to a data source.
WJ-7702 Bug Low Trivial Collapsed panels don’t resize correctly when docked/anchored and collapsed. Complete
WJ-7703 Bug Low Trivial Collapsed groupboxes don’t resize correctly when docked/anchored and collapsed. Complete
WJ-7704 Regression Low Major Collapsed panels lose their size and location when expanded at design time. Complete
WJ-7705 Enhancement Low Trivial MonthCalendar reizes the week column, it should have a fixed width. Complete
WJ-7706 New Feature Low Trivial Add year range drop down to the date/time selector used
in the MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker control.
WJ-7724 Bug Medium Major Cannot show a modal dialog after closing it the first time. Complete
WJ-7725 Bug Low Trivial DGV doesn’t use the control’s BackColor and ForeColor. Complete
WJ-7726 Bug Medium Major DGV issues multiple data reloads when hidden and shown again. Complete
WJ-7727 Bug Low Trivial Controls’ tool icons are not shown at design time
when they use an embedded image.
WJ-7376 Enhancement Low Trivial Make the mdi child preview tab become a button outside of the scrollable tab strip. Complete
WJ-7730 Enhancement Medium Minor Allow the DGV to resize the columns when the column header panel is hidden. Complete
WJ-7731 Bug Medium Major Controls with AutoSize=true are expanded in the FlowLayout panel. Complete
WJ-7732 Bug Medium Major Inner padding is not used in the layout of docked children. Complete
WJ-7728 Bug Low Trivial The first active mdi child may not set the mdi tab active. Complete
WJ-7729 Bug Low Minor TextBox and ComboBox Selection properties don’t work correctly
– their initial value is -1.
WJ-7733 Enhancement Low Minor Merge the menu of the active mdi child window with the mid parent. Complete
WJ-7734 Regression Low Trivial Dragging a new control over a FlowLayoutPanel always ends up
at the first position.
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Hi Rui,

the Ribbonbar will be published after the final release which is due on November 1st.

For further questions, please create a new question as this thread is mostly intended to inform about new updates.

Best regards

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Did you will have a Ribbonbar control?

Thanks & Regards,


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We have just uploaded a new build (1.2.78) including the following fixes and enhancements:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7690 Enhancement Low Trivial Add SplitContainer OrientationChanged event Complete
WJ-7691 Bug Low Trivial Panel.Collapse property should not be serialized Complete
WJ-7692 Bug Low Trivial Different internal bounds when sliding a panel that had
the header at the top and collapsed to the sides.
WJ-7693 Enhancement Low Trivial Make the inner size of the Month Calendar layout dynamic Complete
WJ-7694 Bug Low Trivial Language of current value of the DateTimePicker is not translated
after a change of language
WJ-7696 Bug Low Major Disabled controls in a GroupBox get enabled at truntime. Complete
WJ-7699 Enhancement Low Minor Make MonthCalendar resizable and optionally auto sized with the AutoSize property. Complete
WJ-7700 Enhancement Low Trivial Include CellSpan and RowSpan when calculating a DGV cell Size. Complete
WJ-7701 Bug Medium Minor When a spinner control is used in a DGV the up/down keys
are processed by the DGV and terminate editing.
WJ-7697 Enhancement Low Trivial Detect missing properties in a theme without interrupting the rendering process. Complete
WJ-7698 Bug Low Minor Empty Padding or Margin properties are serialized as (-1). Complete
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We have released a new build (1.2.77) that contains the following fixes:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7687 Bug High Major Adding a row to BindingSource instance bound to a DGV
doesn’t update the the DGV.
WJ-7686 Bug Low Trivial Pressing down in an empty DateTimePicker raises an exception. Complete
WJ-7683 Regression High Show Stopper DGV custom cell editors generate an InvalidCastException. Complete
WJ-7684 Bug High Major Deleting, inserting, deleting rows in the same request results
in the wrong update sequence on the client.
WJ-7685 Bug Low Trivial Pressing Left in the dropdown when eding an empty DateTimePicker cell,
closes the calendar.
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We have uploaded a new build that includes the following fixes and enhancements

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7681 Enhancement Low Trivial Support localization of the MessageBox buttons. Complete
WJ-7674 Enhancement Low Trivial The ComboBox should be able to display html content
in the field area when non-eitable.
WJ-7675 Enhancement Low Trivial HtmlPanel should use themed scrollbars. Complete
WJ-7676 Enhancement Low Trivial ScrollablePanel, Panel and HtmlPanel should expose
the scroller’s javascript methods.
WJ-7677 Bug Low Trivial Html content is measured too high when inside
inner elements: combobox and listbox items.
WJ-7678 Bug Medium Minor BringToFront and SendToBack don’t update the client. Complete
WJ-7680 Bug Low Major Cannot assign cells of different types and editors
to the same column in a DGV control.
WJ-7648 Bug Medium Major Deleting multiple rows from a DGV removes
the wrong rows on the client.

For WJ-7681 you can take a look at the updated Localization sample to see how to localize system message boxes.

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A new build (1.2.71) is now available:

Breaking change

Invoke(script) has been changed to Call(script) to be consistent with Eval() and to avoid confusion with the Control.Invoke method.

New properties

TreeView.HideNodeImages, TreeNode.HideNodeImage, HtmlPanel.Scrollbars and Control.Focusable have been added.

Themes and Extensions

Also have been updated. The themes did not have the Pushed state for button in the tools.

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7672 New Feature Low Trivial New property Control.Focusable Complete
WJ-7667 Bug Low Trivial Setting Tabstop = false does not allow to set focus by code or by mouse Complete
WJ-7668 Bug Low Trivial Add property to control wrapping in HtmlPanel Complete
WJ-7669 Bug Low Trivial Calling TreeView.Nodes.Clear() does not fully reset the treeview. Complete
WJ-7670 Enhancement Low Trivial Add properties TreeView.HideNodeImages and
WJ-7671 Bug Medium Minor HtmlPanel doesn’t serialize the Html and Css properties. Complete


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Thanks to our customers feedback we have just released a new update (1.2.70):

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7665 Regression High Major Changing the font of the form when AutoScaleMode = Font
collapses the form to 0,0.
WJ-7666 Regression High Major When droppoing an IFramePanel or AspNetPanel on a form at
design time they generate “scrollbarY” “undefined” value is not allowed error.
WJ-7664 Bug Medium Major Wisej may fail to validate the client fingerprint on Azure or other cloud platforms. Complete
WJ-7659 Bug High Show Stopper When an embedded image in a Label cannot be loaded,
Wisej may enter a never-ending loop trying to load the image blocking the browser.
WJ-7660 Regression Medium Show Stopper Using the flowlayoutpanel at design time causes a null reference exception. Complete
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We have released a new beta update (1.2.68):

DGV Context Menu
DataGridView, DataGridViewColumn, DataGridViewRow and DataGridViewCell all have the ContextMenu property again. Additionally the CellContextMenuNeeded event is fired all the times when right clicking on a cell, row header or column header.
The args object has the ContextMenu property that refers to the cell, row, or column menu (inherited value).
An application can set e.ContextMenu to null to prevent the context menu from showing, can change the assigned context menu directly, or can assign a new context menu. When right clicking outside of a call or header, only the datagrid’s context menu is shown and CellContextMenuNeeded is not fired.
Further fixes and enhancements:
Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7623 Enhancement Low Trivial Provide a more generic way to handle context menu in a DGV Complete
WJ-7658 Bug Low Trivial When a DGV regains the focus through a click on a row header,
it may reset the focus cell to the previous one.
WJ-7643 Enhancement Low Trivial Make available TreeView.NodeFont property values (font size, style). Complete
WJ-7646 Bug Low Trivial TableLayoutPanel doesn’t grow when AutoSize=true. Complete
WJ-7647 Bug Medium Minor Panels with AutoSize=true don’t grow vertically
when inside a FlowLayoutPanel.
WJ-7648 Bug Medium Major Deleting multiple rows from a DGV removes the wrong rows on the client. Complete
WJ-7650 Bug Medium Trivial Right clicking on a DGV clears the selection on the server
but not on the client while it should leave the selection unchanged.
WJ-7652 Bug Medium Major Editing a TreeNode reduces the size of the node while editing. Complete
WJ-7653 Bug Medium Major Collapsed panels don’t update their size when docked/anchored while collapsed. Complete
WJ-7654 Bug Low Trivial Mouse events on a TreeNode carry the relative position
to the node instead of the relative position to the TreeView.
WJ-7656 Bug Medium Major Cannot tab into fields in a groupbox or panel. Complete
WJ-7657 Bug Low Trivial Cannot change the font of the menu bar. Complete
WJ-7649 Bug Medium Major TreeNodes added to a TreeView dynamically always show the tooltip. Complete
WJ-7645 Bug Low Trivial TreeView node editing causes the node to shrink few pixels while editing. Complete
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A new build (1.2.67) has just been uploaded. It includes the following fixes:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7641 Bug Low Trivial ThemeBuilder cannot load theme with . in its name Complete
WJ-7642 Bug Low Trivial Theme with . in its name cannot be used at runtime Complete
WJ-7634 Bug Low Trivial When concatenating embedded resources in debug mode,
Wisej may add a BOM (Unicde marker) sequence making the file invalid.
WJ-7639 Bug Medium Major TreeView.NodeClick doesn’t carry information regarding the mouse pointer and coordinates. Complete
WJ-7635 Bug Low Trivial Treeview node tooltip appears too far on the right. Complete
WJ-7636 Bug Low Trivial TreeView.BeforeCheck cannot cancel the action Complete
WJ-7637 Bug Low Trivial When checking/unchecking a tree node it cycles through the undetermined check state Complete
WJ-7638 Bug Medium Minor TreeView.NodeClick is not fired on a right click. Complete
WJ-7640 Bug Medium Major Control.Click and Control.MouseClick are not fired for right/middle button clicks. Complete
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A new build (1.2.66) has been uploaded.


Includes a minor update to Material-3 and the Classic-2 theme is now built-in.


Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7629 Bug Medium Major DGV.SelectedRow is null when there is no current cell and a row is selected. Complete
WJ-7632 Bug Low Trivial TreeNode.NodeFont doesn’t update the font of the node. Complete
WJ-7628 Regression Medium Minor The DateTimePicker grabs the focus when updating the value. Complete
WJ-7630 Bug Medium Minor A new DGV is initialized with CurrentCellAddress(-1,-1) –
it should have the first visible cell as the current cell.
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Thanks to our customers feedback, here is yet another update (1.2.65) including the following fixes & enhancements:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7621 Bug Low Trivial Using the up/down buttons in a datetimepicker
formatted as time use invariantculture.
WJ-7622 Regression High Major The current culture is restored to CultureInvariant in subsequent requests. Complete
WJ-7625 Bug High Show Stopper Adding items to a combobox or listbox with at least
one selected item may cause duplicated items on the client.
WJ-7626 Regression Low Trivial White space mnemonics raise an exception on the client. Complete
WJ-7627 Bug Low Trivial Can’t hide a menu separator (MenuItem.Text = “-“) Complete
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A new build (1.2.63) has been uploaded today:

DataGridView (DGV)

– The DGV context menu has been simplified: one context menu for the grid and a context menu for the column header.
– Cells and Rows support the themeable error indicator.


– Supports up/down (keyboard or buttons) limited to the date/time part under the cursor.
– Added DateTimePicker.ShowCalendar to hide the calendar button.

  • Known issue: WJ-7261 – Using the up/down buttons in a datetimepicker formatted as time use invariantculture.


– Added TreeNode.CheckBox [null | true | false]. When null it inherits from TreeView.CheckBoxes. When false the checkbox is suppressed. When true, the checkbox is shown even when TreeView.CheckBoxes is true.


– Now supports mnemonics in addition to shortcuts.

All Themes

– The internal margins of all edit controls have been fixed.

ListView: 80%, PropertyGrid: 50%

Summary of fixes / additions:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7620 Enhancement Medium Major Detect the date/time part under the cursor when
using the up/down buttons or keys.
WJ-7617 Task Low Minor Add mnemonic support in menu items. Complete
WJ-7618 Enhancement Low Trivial Reduce internal margins in all edit controls in all themes. Complete
WJ-7619 Enhancement Low Trivial Set the up/down buttons to the vertical layout in Classic-2. Complete
WJ-7604 Bug Low Trivial Using a DGV with AutoGenerateColumns = true
can´t cast System.Guid to System.String
WJ-7610 Bug Low Trivial Up/Down arrows in DateTimePicker are not supported
when using as a time-only picker
WJ-7615 Bug Low Trivial Blank list items are displayed compressed vertically. Complete
WJ-7611 Enhancement Low Trivial Add feature to hide calendar symbol in DateTimePicker Complete
WJ-7612 Bug Low Trivial Support CustomFormat for DataGridViewDateTimePickerColumn Complete
WJ-7613 Enhancement Low Trivial Add TreeView checkbox property to control nodes visibility Complete
WJ-7609 Bug Low Trivial Dynamically changing the theme causes a DGV
to redraw the rows using the default height.
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A new build (1.2.62) has just been uploaded.

Please note:

  • All themes have been updated
  • All Wisej extensions and prebuild assemblies now have a strong name

The build includes the following fixes/enhancements:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7594 Bug Medium Minor TV BeforeCheck and AfterCheck are fired twice. Complete
WJ-7595 Bug Medium Minor TV indent value is not read from the theme, it’s always loaded from the app. Complete
WJ-7596 Regression Low Major Theme regression, combobox item may display white on white. Complete
WJ-7597 Bug High Show Stopper DGV ComboBox cells bound to a simple string list or
array fail to validate the value against the list.
WJ-7599 Bug Low Trivial DGV ContextMenu pops up when right clicking (or long tapping) on a cell. Complete
WJ-7600 Task Low Trivial DGV: Display cell/row error state and text. Complete
WJ-7601 Enhancement Low Trivial Add support for transfering clipboard text to the browser’s clipboard. Complete
WJ-7593 Bug Medium Minor TV NodeMouseClick and NodeMouseDoubleClick are not fired on the server. Complete
WJ-7576 Bug Low Trivial Reordering tab pages in the designer raises exception Complete
WJ-7588 Bug Low Trivial Themes issue: Setting ListBox.ForeColor in the application has not effect. Complete
WJ-7589 Bug Medium Major Using List.SetSelected() on a single selection ListBox
doesn’t change the SelectedIndex property.
WJ-7590 Bug Low Trivial DGV SelectionChanged doesn’t fire when deselecting the last selected row. Complete
WJ-7591 Bug Low Trivial Designer issue: Clearing a tab page collection doesn’t update the design view. Complete
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A new build (1.2.58) has just been uploaded with those enhancements and additions:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7586 New Feature Low Trivial Added Form.MdiTabProperties.ShowThumbnails to hide the thumbnail page. Complete
WJ-7587 New Feature Low Trivial Added support for custom cursors Complete
WJ-7584 Enhancement Low Trivial New event TopLeftHeaderClick – default selects all rows Complete
WJ-7585 Enhancement Low Trivial Added built-in processing for CTRL-C and CTRL-INS
on the DGV to copy the content to the clipboard.
WJ-7583 Enhancement Low Trivial DGV column visibility button should stay open when hiding/showing columns Complete
WJ-7582 Enhancement Low Trivial General improvements in managing DGV automatic new row. Complete
WJ-7580 Enhancement Low Trivial Expose property to hide MDI preview page Complete
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Thanks to our beta testers feedback and input we are glad to release a new build (1.2.57).

Fixes / enhancements:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7575 Bug Low Trivial Theme issue: a disabled toolbar button is displayed
grayed out after being enabled again.
WJ-7562 Bug Low Trivial ShowColumnVisibilityMenu – if set to false and horizontal scrollbar
is moved to the right, the column headers and datarows are messed up.
WJ-7563 Bug Low Trivial RowHeaderWidthSizeMode – setting it to any of the available values has no effect. Complete
WJ-7564 Bug Low Trivial Clicking on top-left most cell in DGV is not available.
It should select all cells for copy and paste.
WJ-7565 Bug Low Trivial Vertical ScrollBar – changing ScrollBar Appearances.ScrollBar.Default.Width
value in Theme Builder has no effect at runtime.
WJ-7566 Enhancement Low Trivial DGV doesn’t have a SelectAll() method. Complete
WJ-7567 Enhancement Low Trivial Right align the row editing and new icons, and replace the cursor icon. Complete
WJ-7568 Bug Low Trivial ClientTheme.GetImage() always returns null. Complete
WJ-7572 New Feature Low Trivial Add Column.ShowInVisiblityMenu (default = true) Complete
WJ-7574 Bug Medium Major DGV may cause a stackoverflow when trying to read
the value of cell in OnDataError under certain circumstances.
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Build 1.2.56 has just been uploaded containing the following fixes:

Item Type Priority Severity Title Resolution
WJ-7557 Bug Low Trivial Hiding all tabs in a tab control leaves the first tab page visible Complete
WJ-7558 Bug Low Trivial Hiding a tab page does not always update the page content. Complete
WJ-7559 Bug Low Trivial After closing an mdi child from the mdi preview pane,
cannot activate and show another mdi child.
WJ-7560 Bug Low Trivial Cannot sort columns of a data bound DGV by clicking on the header. Complete
WJ-7561 Bug High Show Stopper DGV bound ComboBox failed to load the list
when the datasource is assigned too early.
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Showing 1 - 20 of 44 results