Still running through my application since upgrading to 1.2.46.
I was using Application.Download(stream, filename) to download a file to the browser. I think my code was working in previous versions but now I get a null reference exception in the wiseJ core:
at Wisej.Core.ResponseManager.RegisterClientScript(IWisejComponent component, String script)
at Wisej.Base.ApplicationBase.Navigate(String url, String target)
at Wisej.Base.ApplicationBase.Download(String filePath, String fileName)
at Wisej.Base.ApplicationBase.Download(Stream stream, String fileName)
Hi Luca,
No embarrassment necessary. You guys (particularly yourself and Frank – those that hang out on this forum) are doing an amazing job on both WiseJ and keeping us (your beta users) in the loop. I’m totally aware that this is a beta and I’m grateful to you for involving us and being so responsive to the issues we find. It gives me a great deal of confidence in the future of the WiseJ.
Hi Nic,
My apologies for not testing this. We were rushing to update a show stopper in .48. It’s fixed now. Also Application.Download(file) automatically root the file (if unrooted) to the application’s directory.
And, to make this look less embarrassing, we are building a set of regression tests also incorporating all the feedback we get here and it will be a requirement on the release build.
Thank you again,
With 1.2.49 I no longer get the error but I’m not seeing a download either.
Yes, sorry it’s the new context restore that requires the context. Internally the last step of Download was using null.