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Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.
closed#3390 Added new AppContext switch "DataGridViewAutoGenerateColumns" (default=true)3.5.6
closed#3389 Added new AppContext switch "DataGridViewAutoSelectFirstRow" (default=true)3.5.6
closed#3388 Added new AppContext switch "LabelSelfSize" (default=true)3.5.6
closed#3387 Added new AppContext switch "FormAutoCloseModalDialog" (default=false)3.5.6
closed#3386 A splitbutton in a Ribbon Bar is not refreshed when items are added at runtime3.5.6
closed#3385 Using line breaks in ComboBox items can skip AutoComplete3.5.6
closed#3384 RibbonBar can throw a Null Reference exception when closed. 3.5.6
closed#3383 Image editor in designer has the color buttons always disabled.3.5.6
closed#3382 DataGridView - Add support for vertical scrollbars when limiting the autosized width. 3.5.6
closed#3381 Renaming a DataGridViewColumn, MenuItem, ToolBarButton, Columnheader, StatusBarPanel in the designer may serialize the automatic name instead of the new name.3.5.6
closed#3380 DataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns is not preserved in InitializeComponent() when set to false.3.5.6
closed#3379 Themes: TabView may not show the right border when the browser is set to 90% or 75%.3.5.6
closed#3378 A button with CausesValidation set to false doesn't fire the Click event after validation of another control is canceled when trying to switch tabs3.5.6
closed#3377 Cannot read custom fonts in /Themes/Fonts when running on .NET Core.3.5.6
closed#3376 When AutoScroll is true in a panel, a child control docked to the right does not use the full height3.5.6
closed#3375 TypedTextBox can not input "," and "." when use in Form with KeyDown event3.5.6
closed#3374 Key events or a Timer force a state update on a TypedTextBox.3.5.6
closed#3372 Add AutoCompleteMode.FilterAnywhere to Wisej.Web.ComboBox and renamed AppendFilter to FilterAppend.3.5.6
closed#3370 Detect "Sending operation already in progress" when using multiple threads to update the UI concurrently.3.5.6
closed#3369 Prevent Application.Update() from dead locking a session if the application use server side threads with cross locking blocks.3.5.6
closed#3356 Add overload Control.AddState(state, forward) to forward the state to the child controls.3.5.6

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#3390 Added new AppContext switch "DataGridViewAutoGenerateColumns" (default=true)3.5.6
closed#3389 Added new AppContext switch "DataGridViewAutoSelectFirstRow" (default=true)3.5.6
closed#3388 Added new AppContext switch "LabelSelfSize" (default=true)3.5.6
closed#3387 Added new AppContext switch "FormAutoCloseModalDialog" (default=false)3.5.6
closed#3386 A splitbutton in a Ribbon Bar is not refreshed when items are added at runtime3.5.6
closed#3385 Using line breaks in ComboBox items can skip AutoComplete3.5.6
closed#3384 RibbonBar can throw a Null Reference exception when closed. 3.5.6
closed#3383 Image editor in designer has the color buttons always disabled.3.5.6
closed#3382 DataGridView - Add support for vertical scrollbars when limiting the autosized width. 3.5.6
closed#3381 Renaming a DataGridViewColumn, MenuItem, ToolBarButton, Columnheader, StatusBarPanel in the designer may serialize the automatic name instead of the new name.3.5.6
closed#3380 DataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns is not preserved in InitializeComponent() when set to false.3.5.6
closed#3379 Themes: TabView may not show the right border when the browser is set to 90% or 75%.3.5.6
closed#3378 A button with CausesValidation set to false doesn't fire the Click event after validation of another control is canceled when trying to switch tabs3.5.6
closed#3377 Cannot read custom fonts in /Themes/Fonts when running on .NET Core.3.5.6
closed#3376 When AutoScroll is true in a panel, a child control docked to the right does not use the full height3.5.6
closed#3375 TypedTextBox can not input "," and "." when use in Form with KeyDown event3.5.6
closed#3374 Key events or a Timer force a state update on a TypedTextBox.3.5.6
closed#3372 Add AutoCompleteMode.FilterAnywhere to Wisej.Web.ComboBox and renamed AppendFilter to FilterAppend.3.5.6
closed#3370 Detect "Sending operation already in progress" when using multiple threads to update the UI concurrently.3.5.6
closed#3369 Prevent Application.Update() from dead locking a session if the application use server side threads with cross locking blocks.3.5.6
closed#3356 Add overload Control.AddState(state, forward) to forward the state to the child controls.3.5.6