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Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.
closed#3227 When Form.MdiTabProperties.ShowThumbnails is true (default) the size of the thumbnail button is not considered to calculate the scrolling area of the tab buttons.3.2.4
closed#3225 Add support to read the file.lastModified date when uploading files.3.2.4
closed#3224 WordWrap on a DataGridViewColumnHeader has no effect with DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize.3.2.4
closed#3223 Using Application.SetSessionTimeout() invalidates the new resource id.3.2.4
closed#3222 Wrong order in overflown toolbar items activated through the Hamburger menu.3.2.4
closed#3221 Show Toolbar button icons when activating them through the Hamburger menu.3.2.4
closed#3220 ListView - Setting ColumnHeader.DisplayIndex to 0 won't update the ListView initially.3.2.4
closed#3219 TextBox - SelectionStart / SelectionLength are not updated on KeyUp event.3.2.4
closed#3218 Calling ListViewItem.BeginEdit() doesn't update the focused item.3.2.4
closed#3217 Overflown ToolBarItems icons are not synced.3.2.4
closed#3216 Add NewLine on ToolTips for all controls.3.2.4
closed#3215 WebAuthn add support for multiple PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor inside of GetAsync()3.2.4
closed#3214 TrackBar.Value doesn't set the Cursor position.3.2.4
closed#3213 Application.ShowLoader resets the loader with incoming responses without waiting to set ShowLoader to false.3.2.4
closed#3212 SplitContainer.Panel1Collapsed and SplitContainer.Panel2Collapsed should be serialized last in designer code.3.2.4
closed#3211 DatagridView DefaultCellStyle may get applied to the first column of the row when set in a CellFormatting event.3.2.4
closed#3210 DataBound ListView is not updated when adding items to the data source.3.2.4
closed#3209 Setting ValueType of the DataGridViewTextBoxColumn that is not data-bound has no effect.3.2.4

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#3227 When Form.MdiTabProperties.ShowThumbnails is true (default) the size of the thumbnail button is not considered to calculate the scrolling area of the tab buttons.3.2.4
closed#3225 Add support to read the file.lastModified date when uploading files.3.2.4
closed#3224 WordWrap on a DataGridViewColumnHeader has no effect with DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize.3.2.4
closed#3223 Using Application.SetSessionTimeout() invalidates the new resource id.3.2.4
closed#3222 Wrong order in overflown toolbar items activated through the Hamburger menu.3.2.4
closed#3221 Show Toolbar button icons when activating them through the Hamburger menu.3.2.4
closed#3220 ListView - Setting ColumnHeader.DisplayIndex to 0 won't update the ListView initially.3.2.4
closed#3219 TextBox - SelectionStart / SelectionLength are not updated on KeyUp event.3.2.4
closed#3218 Calling ListViewItem.BeginEdit() doesn't update the focused item.3.2.4
closed#3217 Overflown ToolBarItems icons are not synced.3.2.4
closed#3216 Add NewLine on ToolTips for all controls.3.2.4
closed#3215 WebAuthn add support for multiple PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor inside of GetAsync()3.2.4
closed#3214 TrackBar.Value doesn't set the Cursor position.3.2.4
closed#3213 Application.ShowLoader resets the loader with incoming responses without waiting to set ShowLoader to false.3.2.4
closed#3212 SplitContainer.Panel1Collapsed and SplitContainer.Panel2Collapsed should be serialized last in designer code.3.2.4
closed#3211 DatagridView DefaultCellStyle may get applied to the first column of the row when set in a CellFormatting event.3.2.4
closed#3210 DataBound ListView is not updated when adding items to the data source.3.2.4
closed#3209 Setting ValueType of the DataGridViewTextBoxColumn that is not data-bound has no effect.3.2.4


Enhancements included in the build. Limited to 30.