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Bugs fixed in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#3119 ListView.ColumnReordered fires when the column's DisplayIndex is changed programmatically.3.1.8
closed#3118 Moving a column header in a ListView fires ColumnReordered for all columns that have changed the position instead of only for the moved column.3.1.8
closed#3117 Clicking today's date at the bottom of the MonthCalendar doesn't change the selected date.3.1.8
closed#3116 Wisej.Web.VisualBasic.InputBox absent buttons3.1.8
closed#3115 Button control not starting drag & drop because the pointer is captured for the down/up movement.3.1.8
closed#3113 Assigning a CustomFormat changes the Value in a DateTimePicker3.1.8
closed#3112 DataGridView.ColumnWidthChanged Event won't fire.3.1.8
closed#3111 MonthCalendar fires the DateSelected and DateChanged events incorrectly.3.1.8
closed#3110 DataGridView not adjusting the Frozen state of column when adding columns to the collection. 3.1.8
closed#3109 Selecting a TreeView Node after moving it makes the Parent no longer expandable.3.1.8
closed#3108 Adding a MonthCalendar with AutoSize=true to a parent at runtime doesn't update the Size at first.3.1.8
closed#3107 UserPopup.AutoSize doesn't resize the user popup.3.1.8
closed#3104 Updating the Control.AccessibleName property may cause a js exception in the console.3.1.8
closed#3102 Disabling a MenuBar control doesn't disable the menu items.3.1.8
closed#3101 Uploading a file with with an "id_#" filename breaks Upload Control.3.1.8
closed#3099 AutoFilterMode is broken if VirtualScrolling is true on a ComboBox3.1.8

Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.


Enhancements included in the build. Limited to 30.