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Bugs fixed in the build. Limited to 30.
closed#3047 RibbonBarTextBox does not update state without losing the focus or pressing enter3.1.3
closed#3046 Item list is not scrollable using ContextMenu.Show()3.1.3
closed#3045 Child menu not shown on MDI tabs when using Material design3.1.3
closed#3042 SplitButton can be disposed if more than 1 is present in a top level container3.1.3
closed#3041 Setting a Columns ShowInVisiblityMenu to true after creation does not add it to the Visibility Menu.3.1.3
closed#3039 Using CTRL+END to select the last row causes a "Current cell cannot be set to an invisible cell" exception when the last column is not visible.3.1.3
closed#3037 Setting a Columns ShowInVisibilityMenu to true after DGV creation does not add it to the VisibilityMenu3.1.3
closed#3034 Potential NullReferenceException in rare cases when a session is disposed and the GC collects an abandoned component.3.1.3
closed#3032 Validation is bypassed when clicking on a disabled TextBox and enabling it at the same time.3.1.3
closed#3031 Application.Update() and RunInContext() don't always update the thread's culture.3.1.3
closed#3030 Up/Down keys action is inverted in a vertical TrackBar.3.1.3
closed#3029 The DateTimePicker calendar doesn't always show the date in the value field if the previous selection was canceled on a different month.3.1.3
closed#3028 Control.SetTopLevel(true) doesn't throw an exception when the control is a child control.3.1.3
closed#3027 Using Frozen Columns with AutoSize can lead to a neverending loop3.1.3
closed#3024 Datarepeater SelectedItem event is fired after the click event of a child control3.1.3

Breaking Changes

Fixes or enhancements that may break existing code.

New Features

New features included in the build. Limited to 30.